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RE: Socially acceptable

in Galenkp's Stuff8 days ago

It's really easy to talk smack from behind a screen and I wonder what people get from it. I don't use Facebook and those others but occasionally see or hear about comments people make and it blows my mind. People want to be right all the time and have no hesitation on forcing that upon others on comments on social media to complete strangers. It's rather weird; also, their opinions which, once more, seems strange. I guess it makes people feel relevant?


The relevance issue is probably more true that we know. The dumbing down of society is a problem. Not sure who coined that catchphrase, but it sure holds true. Insert fear from all fronts onto the masses with this reduced mental capacity and it sets people up to lash out. People are just thinking with their ears instead of their brains...the squakbox sets parameters for behavior...'just follow my lead and repeat after me... bawk, bawk bawk, bawkawk'. That's my impersonation of any mainstream 'newscaster' lol

Yep, I agree that the media (social and otherwise) playba big part as far as setting the tone goes and people tend to run with it out of stupidity, hubris, lack of anything else to do and for various other reasons. I wonder where it'll end up but in truth it's an evolving thing, and devolving also when it comes to a person's emotial intelligence and intelligence in general.

People don't need to think these days and so they do not. Why think when AI and someone else can take on that burden? Yep, fair enough until what's not used (the brain) devolves and then evolves into something different.

Humans are a plague upon themselves for so many reasons.

People don't need to think these days and so they do not. Why think when AI and someone else can take on that burden?

Add in the fact that we don't need to house, clothe, feed, protect or medicate ourselves anymore. We 'hire' others to provide for us. We no longer raise or educate our own children, as we're way to busy doing mindless things. We have machines to cook and clean for us, to take us where we want to go. Entertainment and information?....push the button. The industrial revolution was a grand idea and brought about many, many advancements, but it started the downward slide of humans...we are redundant now, not even needed to create new humans. Scary

Yep, well said and completely true. It's nuts how people so eagerly pass on axtions and opinions they should be doing/having for themselves. Not smart, but that's the direction it's heading more and more, the dumbing down of humanity.