I hate social media for many reasons: The way it's virtually enslaved people to their devices, degraded person-to-person communication and relationships, extracts people's information, detaches people from the reality outside of their device, skews and distorts perception of reality, negatively effects behavioural traits like courtesy and manners, given rise to the fear of missing out, fractured the family unit, led people to exposing too much of themselves emotionally and physically which is forever, the fact it's caused people to be so entitled, the fake news and propaganda and a lot of other reasons. The way it's changed society is shit and not for the better in my opinion.
I spent some time with a friend recently and we were talking about what we considered socially acceptable behaviours and traits and over the coffee catch up she and I listed a few do's and do not's and talked them over. I thought I'd put some of them here and open up the chance for discussion, agreement and disagreement, and for others to share some they feel may be important; it's not an exhaustive list of course, just one or two things:
- Show restraint and discipline
- Don't brag and big-note oneself
- Use please, thank you and excuse me
- Don't litter including cigarette butts
- Don't stare or leer at others in public
- Don't be a fucken asshole keyboard warrior
- Don't have loud speaker-phone calls in public
- Don't talk or use phones in the movie theatre
- Use turn signals when turning and changing lanes
- Understand that you don't always have to be right
- Understand that you are definitely not always right
- Don't interrupt people mid sentence when they are talking
- Understand that not everyone has to or will agree with you
- Respect people's space and their wishes and that no means no
- Don't automatically blame others, take responsibility and ownership
- Understand that you're probably not the smartest person in the room
- Don't leave someone hanging with their hand extended for a handshake
- Treat wait/service staff and shop attendants with respect and courtesy
- Demonstrate that you value and respect other people's time by being punctual
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (I fucken hate people who don't)
- Return the items you borrow in the same (or better) shape)than you borrowed them
- Don't block public pathways and access when standing around chatting or on the phone
- Believe in yourself rather than attaching your feeling of relevance and validation to material things
I know not everyone will agree, or care, and that so many people are brainwashed into thinking that social media is enriching their lives that they're blind to the dangers but it's a fact that the dangers exist and that society seems to be bogged down in the quagmire of smelly shit that is social media. I also know that some of you may agree with me and with some or all of those items on the list above.
So, here's your chance to make a comment (below) and to add something to the list, give your reasons why things have gotten so out of hand, explain why you think social media is the best thing since sliced bread, push up bras and mini skirts, or even to tell a story about something on that list and how it's effected you...but only if you want to.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Trollers and whiners come to mind when I think about social media and both aggravate me to the point of simply not using those platforms with any regularity. People bashing is a national pastime it seems and I don't see anything productive coming from that sort of behavior. It spills out into everyday life, hastening the devolution of basic manners and lowering the bar for all of humanity.
It's really easy to talk smack from behind a screen and I wonder what people get from it. I don't use Facebook and those others but occasionally see or hear about comments people make and it blows my mind. People want to be right all the time and have no hesitation on forcing that upon others on comments on social media to complete strangers. It's rather weird; also, their opinions which, once more, seems strange. I guess it makes people feel relevant?
The relevance issue is probably more true that we know. The dumbing down of society is a problem. Not sure who coined that catchphrase, but it sure holds true. Insert fear from all fronts onto the masses with this reduced mental capacity and it sets people up to lash out. People are just thinking with their ears instead of their brains...the squakbox sets parameters for behavior...'just follow my lead and repeat after me... bawk, bawk bawk, bawkawk'. That's my impersonation of any mainstream 'newscaster' lol
Yep, I agree that the media (social and otherwise) playba big part as far as setting the tone goes and people tend to run with it out of stupidity, hubris, lack of anything else to do and for various other reasons. I wonder where it'll end up but in truth it's an evolving thing, and devolving also when it comes to a person's emotial intelligence and intelligence in general.
People don't need to think these days and so they do not. Why think when AI and someone else can take on that burden? Yep, fair enough until what's not used (the brain) devolves and then evolves into something different.
Humans are a plague upon themselves for so many reasons.
Add in the fact that we don't need to house, clothe, feed, protect or medicate ourselves anymore. We 'hire' others to provide for us. We no longer raise or educate our own children, as we're way to busy doing mindless things. We have machines to cook and clean for us, to take us where we want to go. Entertainment and information?....push the button. The industrial revolution was a grand idea and brought about many, many advancements, but it started the downward slide of humans...we are redundant now, not even needed to create new humans. Scary
Yep, well said and completely true. It's nuts how people so eagerly pass on axtions and opinions they should be doing/having for themselves. Not smart, but that's the direction it's heading more and more, the dumbing down of humanity.
Hmmm, so many 'yes' responses internally for me as I read through this list. I want to say more but need to come back. May return with something useful. But if not, have reblogged so others may see this. Thanks for writing.
There's a lot wrong and a lot of improvement that could be made with the aspects that are not necessarily wrong; it's up to the individual to take a stand and personally make a change for the better. Few seem to want to though.
Hmmm, I think when people have a 'fixed' mindset (as opposed to a 'growth' mindset) they tend to do more of the "it's too hard" behaviours.
But I really think we improve the quality of our own life by doing many of these behaviours you've listed as well as improving things for those around us.
I think what this list has in common, as two main underlying themes, is that these behaviours help other people to feel safe and respected when they are around us if we do most of these things most of the time.
Surely, it's kind of just being a good human, right?
I know some of the behaviours that make for a societally accepted "good human" differ from culture to culture but surely each culture would have some unwritten (or written!) list that would feel somewhat similar to what you've scribed here.
Humans are complex creatures.
Oh yes, I've learned this the hard way. I wish I didn't do much social media when I was a teenager. Teens now a days are on Facebook reels and tiktok, which I think will not be good for them in the long run.
Sometimes it takes some experience to learn and understand what's good or bad for an individual. The good thing is that you've learned.
I think a big one would be to have situational awareness. It goes along with not blocking walkways and stuff like that. It's just crazy how many people are in their own little world and they don't think that anyone around them matters or exists.
It's ego and hubris, the feeling that they're the most important or relevant or valid person around and that they're entitled to act as they see fit and with impunity. It's uncouth and rude.
Hi @galenkp, I can't add much to the publication, the moral degradation we live in I think is more than evident.
To that list I would add something that bothers me, and makes me quite angry, and that is to see how young people do not give up their seats to older people on public transport. Normally, that young person does not take his or her eyes off a screen or has big headphones on. I'll leave my comment here for now.
I hope you are enjoying a great Sunday.
That's a good one for sure. I don't take public transport but see it in many other places where young people don't defer to older or those who may need the seat more than them; yet another way the sense of entitlement comes through.
Indeed, it is a generation that, at least in my country, has had everything, and it seems that they can never have enough... They are entitled to everything and without effort 😡. I wish you again a good Sunday.
Yeah, it's an issue everywhere for sure.
Hopefully you'll have a good Sunday ahead, mine is moving towards the very late afternoon and evening soon, very hot here still 41°C. 🥴
Around here the cold can be endured 😊. Thank you very much.
I totally agree with the whole list, impeccable!
I add a few things although they are a bit similar:
I think social networks deform the human being, they lead them to be in a state of bobo.... I don't know how to translate this, but it's as if it sucks their brains.
A few good ones there and worthy of being on the list!
If I can think of any more, I'll let you know.
One thing I dislike about social networks, among many, is the exposure of children. They don't care about the risk involved. A serious risk.
That's a list for common decency and basic good manners.
Life would be far better if everyone just follows that list.
There are a few other things and I have read about body language and etiquette around the world and I know it's not the same everywhere but some stuff CAN be applied everywhere.
So added to that list is: Close your mouth while chewing/eating.
There might be people with medical/physical issues but this is obviously not for them.
I just can't see a reason why you would chose to chew with your lips open. Lol
Open-mouthed and noise eaters man, that's a good one to add to the list; cows and camels are excused because that's what they do, hippopotamus' too and some others but I don't see a reason humans need to.
Be kind and pleasant to the people around you. Your kind words mean a lot to someone.
Don't assume. Because assumption is the mother of all mistakes.
Give up your seat to an elderly person or lady (especially a pregnant woman) on public transport.
Social networks that made it possible to create an apparently high-quality life, where people falsely present themselves, put pressure on the users in society, because they started thinking "I have to do the same".
No one on social networks (or hardly anyone), shows their bad sides and the problems they live with.
In addition to all the negative features that social networks have brought, the only good thing that I have seen in recent months is that they are used in situations of media darkness, in the country where I live. Through social networks, people now share information and find out what was denied to them in other information media.
Yeah, one of your items was on my list already, the other two were ok though.
It' s better not to show your face on social media Because It's Inevitable that there will be many Bashers, It's better to just keep it simple. I agree that there are many people who are still weak in understanding and are selfish and can only say something on social Media. have a nice day everyone!
I think writing this comment once on my post would have been sufficient don't you?
It' s better not to show your face on social media Because It's Inevitable that there will be many Bashers, It's better to just keep it simple. I agree that there are many people who are still weak in understanding and are selfish and can only say something on social Media. have a nice day everyone!
It' s better not to show your face on social media Because It's Inevitable that there will be many Bashers, It's better to just keep it simple. I agree that there are many people who are still weak in understanding and are selfish and can only say something on social Media. have a nice day everyone!
It' s better not to show your face on social media Because It's Inevitable that there will be many Bashers, It's better to just keep it simple. I agree that there are many people who are still weak in understanding and are selfish and can only say something on social Media. have a nice day everyone!
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For sure.