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RE: Splatfest

in Galenkp's Stuff5 months ago

Bahahahhahahahhaaaaa now that splat is pure comedy gold XD whodathunk that all those stupid moments in the movies where the guy walks into nonsense because thwy were too busy ogling was actually based on reality XD

Oh tripping and faceplanting also counts? How about if it's not quite a faceplant? In which case I have done more since, here's a couple of work-related ones.

This winter literally just gone, I invented a game to train fast running on toes for the groups I coach. It involves me or one of my assistants being a sleeping dragon on the vault mats, and the kids tiptoe running from about 16m out as fast as they can to steal one of the beanbags on the beatboard. We give them 3-4 seconds depending on level and if we hear them (because they're running flat footed and thus very noisy) or time elapsed, we rise and give chase. One of the kids turned out to be REALLY FREAKING UNEXPECTEDLY FAST AND QUIET and was already halfway back when I'd finished the count so I jumped the full distance I was capable off the mats (I usually aim to land close behind them) and started sprinting. However on this day I was only wearing socks as my old shoes were wet through on account of having holes and it having been raining, so of course I slipped. Was fully intending on rolling out and demonstrating why I always make them practice safety rolls, however the direction I'd slipped in, there was a class of small children right where I was going to stop, so I washed off what I could and collapsed dramatically to my knees on the vault run instead, which was a lot more jarring (I was fine, didn't even bruise) with a lot less casualties.

My daughter's class quite adamantly told her that I had fallen flat on my face XD I took my socks off for the rest of the game.

About a month or so ago, I was setting up an obstacle course for one of my classes and did my usual of testing it out. There was one part where they were supposed to forward roll down a wedge and me being lazy and just wanting to run through it (I knew they could all forward roll down this particular wedge without a step block) I popped up on the wedge and ran down it.

I'm not even sure what happened, whether the fact the wedge was soft made me sink lower than expected or whether I got caught on something, but either way my step off was funny and I dropped forward, heard several gasps/cries in the background, rolled out and popped up running cheerfully announcing (mostly for one of my students who had arrived and was watcihng while waiting for class to start) AND THAT'S WHY YOU SAFETY ROLL.


The old pretend to turn your vertical splat into a learning opportunity for the kids ploy. Smart! 😋

That would have been a funny splat, I wish I was there to see it.

The second scenario doesn't count as a vertical splat because there was no splat...I would have liked that story better if you splatted yourself on the wall or, better still, some poor unsuspecting little kid who also went splat!

Thanks for being a good sport (and splatter) and playing along with the fun nature of this post.

The kids definitely found it hilarious so there is that XD

LoL fair, I did nearly run into the wedge that the kids were meant to wall run up but did not. I only considered it a splat as I lost my footing and I am grace and poise literally only when I'm directly dealing with the students every other time I will walk into doorframes and walls and furniture and equipment that has been in the same place for decades

Maybe you just like to have an audience when you splat!