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RE: A business opportunity: 1800CUNT

in Galenkp's Stuff26 days ago

you could pull this off. This is a perfect pumpfun idea. You could get some capital from there to build.

On a serious note, I don't think it's all about lazy though. I think the root cause lies with the innovation in technology. It's just that's how history has been. People have done things to just make more money $$ by reducing labor which also kind of removes margin for error since machines will be more consistent than humans. Even back when there were horses for transportation and moving goods. Now we have automobiles. They label it as innovation but in reality it's just people trying to make more money. One of the effects of all this innovation is making humans more "lazy". It doesn't apply to everybody but I think combined with social media it's just poisoned their minds to think that it's normal to be this way.

Looking at the other side of the argument though, it could just be us trying to be more efficient. We will be so efficient to the point where we don't have to lift a finger. That movie Wall-e from a long time ago will soon be a reality. That person that made that movie was probably from the future. I don't know; it's late here and I could just be making no sense at all lol. Off to bed soon


Your mention of horses gave me a good idea...I could get a heap of horses on the payroll and start marketing to horses so when horses don't want to do anything they can call 1800CUNT and get some other horse to do their stuff for th m. It's an emerging market I'm told!

haha don't just stop with horses. can get all the farm animals in

Yep, and chimpanzees, funny buggers they are.