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RE: Scanning for CATs in my head

Cat infestation, huh?

You've never struck me as the type of bloke to worry in the traditional sense and have always been ruthlessly pragmatic, or at least that has been my impression. Of course the vast, vast number of CT's reveal nothing of great consequence and usually find a less nefarious cause for any symptoms than those inferred by calling for the scan in the first place.

Very best wishes for the best possible outcome obviously mate.

You have an exact date? Nice!

Many do not know when to call time or they simply never realised the hamster wheel has a stop button and nobody ever told them... Sad, no, tragic!

The events that caused the regrets has long gone, the regrets themselves may as well be chucked out with them, less the learnings that come from them, they can serve us as we move forward.

A life in the pursuit of happiness and fulfilment, (I obviously don't mean numbers in a bank account) is a noble one and the hallmark of a life lived right. Imagine seeing out your days, no matter how many of them lay ahead, many never realise that in time.

My own employer threw me out with the old newspapers when I got too ill to perform normal drone duties, when I was in hospital, no less 😂 and I realised, it doesn't matter, it's all a game we all play voluntarily, if not accidentally. those crappy bits of paper they give us as compensation from being away from what is truly important ain't fkn worth it! I almost lost my home, it didn't matter, it's a game, the bank was empty, it didn't matter, it's a game.

I got a glaring vision of what really mattered and I almost wept that I thought I knew all along but I didn't really.

For me, the decision to set that date has provided a stronger focus on life after work and has also made me feel more engaged, happy and energised in the present as I have that date,

That's it man, the present, nothing else is real, everybody, (make that almost), is trading the present away for the promise of a 'present' later, a present that may never be!

Be well mate, Faith and the extendeds too and grab those moments where they are, they are the only really true thing in life

PS. I get bi monthly CT's or MRI's (often alternating) and not a single fkn cat in sight, there was a weird thing with a chihuahua one time, but that's a story for another day