Hot chocolate, personalized mug from which to drink it, and a special Lego pic.....yep, He's gonna love it!
lol @rockerfellerofchickens .....maybe I should change my name? no, I'm not crazy, just filling a need in the neighborhood! I don't always keep alot for my own personal use. But if you find yourself short on eggs, just look for me on the corner. I'll be in the black trenchcoat with a lot of pockets on the inside. I can get whatever you want😉
2028 will come pretty quick, but I bet not quick enough😂. As you say though, you have some prep work to do so it will pass. Things worth waiting for, you know?
Definitely change your name as the one I mentioned has such a ring to it, so classy.
Ok, so when I see you in your trench coat I'll know not to administer a hug or your pockets might be full of egg juice...perfect for an omelette. Also, I have it in mind that beneath said trench coat you have no clothes on...being hot in Florida and all.
Three years will fly by and in that time I'll get things aligned. If I'm honest it could be sooner but that'll depend on property sales values when I sell off some things and other factors. Either way, my non-work phase is impending and it's made me feel quite happy in the here and now. (Who knows, I might be in Florida even, and get to check out what's under that trench coat.)
You will be so busy preparing that it's gonna creep up on you. You've got some good stuff to look forward to.
I like to think I have some good stuff coming up and also like to feel that I've deserved it although the jury is out on that point still. Maybe I have. I don't want a complex life, in fact the simpler the better, and will gear things that way. That's not to say it won't be awesome, just that I'll make it about what I need and want, the very important things, and make it less about the superfluous.
Eeep!! you gonna be peepin' my ovuums??
Seems appropriate.