Umm, it doesn't take an hour to charge using a proper charger. Those times are for the trickle charging units using your house power supply. The average charger here will get you to 80% in around 15 to 30 minutes. For long distance travelling taking 15 minute breaks is actually a GOOD thing because it lessens the risks of tired travellers.
My folks have a 2018 Nissan Leaf and live about 300kms away. It's not a flat motorway either. Massive hills make up the trip. They tell me they only need 1 charge to get to us. That's only a 15 minute delay, maybe 30 minutes. Even still, that's an average delay for most people anyway on long trips.
Add to that, if you drive like Galen mentions then you can literally use regen braking to lessen the need of charging anyway. Driven the correct way you can even get more power than you started with in some circumstances.