gtg’s abbrs.

in Blockchain Wizardry4 years ago

A low-effort post (not really) about some of the stuff that I’ve been busy with.
These posts are meant to be a quick #witness-update. Remember? We used to write those.

abbr. (plural abbrs.)
Abbreviation of abbreviation.



The chat that used to use the old name that I don’t even want to mention is now gone. For good. It became obsolete when we moved, but we wanted to keep it alive for those who don’t log in often enough so that they could still find their way to Hive.


If you are new to this: OpenHive.Chat is based on Rocket.Chat. It’s free and OpenSource. Our instance has Hive authentication (via HiveSigner).
You don’t need to add dApp's authority to use it (you don’t send your posting key anywhere, you just use your key on the client side to sign a message to prove that it’s you(*)).
(*) someone who controls a given private posting key

OpenHive-Network on GitHub

I re-enabled push mirrors for hive and hivemind
As you may have noticed, it played a big role in the recent GitLab breakdowns.

We use it as a push mirror for GitLab repository, mostly for visibility and decentralization. If you have an account on GitHub, please “Fork” at least hive and hivemind and “Star” them if you haven’t done so yet. We haven't paid much attention to it, but apparently it's important for some outside metrics, i.e. how others perceive our project.

If you are actually reading my post, you can join a little game to win an upvote ;-)

Since last time, we’ve gained 25 stars and 13 forks for Hive. Currently: 185 / 55. Please, do some clicks.


This piece of software needs more love. For many users, it’s the only software that will ever have access to their privileged keys (Active, Owner). It’s what exchanges, whales, and smart people rely on to sign their transactions.
I’m doing some maintenance work around it, looking for bugs and missing features, doing small fixes, cleanups, and docs improvements. But don’t be mistaken, it still requires tons of work.

Signing with an account authority is currently not supportedOne of the bigger tasks to be done (and being currently handled by @blocktrades team) is: “


- We have a dozen of ways to install software and that might be confusing for sane people...

- *thinking*

- Let's make another one!

Governance voting expiration

Do you know that the last Hard Fork brought governance voting expiration?
It means that if you are not active governance-wise (voting for proposals, voting for witnesses), your votes will expire after some (long) time. For example, for my account, expiration is currently set to 2022-07-06 12:06:24.
Vote for one or many HBD stabilizer proposal(s), approve me as a witness, unapprove inactive witnesses. Those are examples of many good ways to extend your expiration date and help Hive to grow :-)


ASCII version of the logo:

               ___    ___           
          /\   \HI\   \VE\          
         /HI\   \VE\   \HI\         
        /HIVE\   \HI\   \VE\        
       /HIVEHI\   \VE\   \HI\       
      /HIVEHIVE\          \LO\      
      \HIVEHIVE/   ___    /VE/      
       \HIVEHI/   /VE/   /HI/       
        \HIVE/   /HI/   /VE/        
         \HI/   /VE/   /HI/         
          \/   /HI/   /VE/          

github: mahdiyari

Thank you :-)

sanjeevbbsr - forked both Hive and Hivemind

Why would one use the cli_wallet ?

Thank you :-)

Why would one use the cli_wallet?

For security reasons. I can build it myself, without relying on third-party software, import my active key, and sign transactions with it. It's by far more secure than wallet on a website.
Of course such website wallet should sign your transaction client side unless...

  • you connected to wrong website because of typo + name squatting
  • you connected to wrong website because of phishing
  • you connected to wrong website because of dns hijacking
  • you connected to wrong website because of man-in-the-middle
  • you connected to right website but author was incompetent
  • you connected to right website but author was malicious
  • you connected to right website but author was hacked
  • you connected to right website but server was hacked

and so on, and so on

Great, thank you for the explanation. Makes sense. So if someone is investing huge, then they will need cli_wallet.

A bit late, but I've forked and stared both Hive and Hivemind repositories on GitHub. Never thought it would help. My username: gadrian78

Thank you :-)

gave it some love on github with my user numasi. as for the ASCII logo... LOVE IT!!! wanna see it on every single hive related app's terminal output! :)

Thank you :-)

GitHub: itschobro

Thank you :-)

(I've almost missed your comment as people with default reputation value (25) apparently doesn't trigger notifications)

I'm steevc on Github too :)

Thanks for all your efforts. Looking forward to when we can all meet up for a beer again.

Here's a virtual !BEER

Thank you :-)

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

Github user: steemonthewayout (I know, I has steem in the name but onthewayout was already taken and I wasn't very imaginative :)).

Thinking of the future with that name?

Thank you :-)

My github username is ShmoogleOsukami

CLI_Wallet does need love, though I only really use it to enable and disable my witness.

Communities I run: Gridcoin (GRC)(PeakD) / Gridcoin (GRC) (| Fish Keepers (PeakD) / Fish Keepers (
Check out my gaming stream on VIMM.TV | Vote for me as a Hive witness! and Hive-engine witness!

Thank you :-)

github: dnotestein

Thank you :-)

My GitHub username is pxska! I just noticed that the hivemind repository uses Python and SQL – gotta check that out, I'm a sucker for Python. ;-)

Thank you :-)

Github Username: mlrequena78

Thank you :-)

Github Username: Yameen-ali

Thank you :-)


This piece of software needs more love. For many users, it’s the only software that will ever have access to their privileged keys (Active, Owner). It’s what exchanges, whales, and smart people rely on to sign their transactions.
I’m doing some maintenance work around it, looking for bugs and missing features, doing small fixes, cleanups, and docs improvements. But don’t be mistaken, it still requires tons of work.

Thank you!

Stars & Forks sorted ;-)

GitHub: BuckySA

Thank you :-)

Done, with bgornicki account. Great work, btw!

Thank you :-)

github: gryter

Thank you :-)

Done, unoriginally my username is meesterboom :0)

Thank you :-)

Github: BorislavZlatanov

github: librarian-hive

Thank you :-)

github: mjhomb

Thank you :-)

If the wizard tells you to fork and star you fork and star!!!

github: livinguktaiwan

Thank you :-)

github: demotruk

Thank you :-)

I won't be tricked by your wizard mind tricks, but I love Hive anyways!

wait, we are on github, too? using it as a 'push mirror'?

why are we even on gitlab, then? I don't get it.

we could have just forked from the other project, using normal github and would have preserved previous discussions and versions?

I never fully understood github, but it is the standard for blóckchain projects, since fucking bitcoin. Only our project is on a private server.

We use it as a push mirror for GitLab repository, mostly for visibility and decentralization.

I am sure it would be more visible on github, if actual development took place on github, not on bt's private server.

Ultimately it will be invisible forever, because the project's name was an incredibly poor choice.

I will not star it - I could not even make a PR there anyways. What's the point?

We are decentralized, so we are wherever we want to be. I'm using GitHub because I like it more.
We are also on GitLab because others like it. It has some advantages. Development efforts mainly happens out there. Own GitLab instance has some advantages (full control, ability to adjust it to one's needs, etc.)

We've forked. The consensus and the code. We have all the past code and all the past blocks.
Metadata linked with old repository (i.e. not the code itself) such as issues, comments, merge requests, wiki pages, etc. are not copied when forking repository.

And yes, there's a pretty good chance for Hive to be more visible on GitHub, that's why I maintain OpenHive-Network's set of repositories on GitHub. Including Awesome Hive. Those different repositories are not mutually exclusive.
What I asked in my post (Starring and Forking) boost that visibility even more.
You can make PR it's just organizational matter.

That way we could have both of those worlds. Visibility on GitHub and flexibility on a private GitLab instance.
But as I said, it's not only about mine and his instance. There are 55 forks and I want to have even more of them. @blocktrades' GitLab instance is linked with powerful CI/CD infrastructure that I do not have within my GitHub repository and could not have for reasonable price.

Are you serious? We are decentralized by having all development done on blocktrades private server?? ...Where I need an extra account?

Anyways, I just checked:

Using the keywords github and hive with google search, produces hive at rank 4 - That surprised me a lot.

Last time I checked, I was not able to find it at all.
We will never be able to beat appache/hive though.
...the other project was very easy to find.

I was surprised to find that I am a contributor on github. So that part was copied - just not on gitlab. I am no contributor there. Sucks.

Github is complicated enough for me - I do not fully understand it - I do not want gitlab now.

There were very few contributors to the old project and there is even less on syncad.gitlab. The barrier is even higher than on github, because people at least have their accounts there.

Moving away from github (the fckn standard) was a stupid move, but the choice of name was the worst.

As much as I admire what you guys have done, I resent it.

Are you serious? We are decentralized by having all development done on blocktrades private server??

OMG, please try to focus, I'm trying to convince people for the opposite - to fork the codebase to their own accounts/repositories (which is actually pretty similar just run by Microsoft, not Blocktrades) I for instance have at least few clones on my own machines.

Using the keywords github and hive with google search, produces hive at rank 4 - That surprised me a lot.

Exactly, little by little. Although I doubt we can outperform Apache ;-)

I do not want gitlab now.

I know it's Friday, but please focus: I'm endorsing GitHub :-D
(And I didn't moved from it, sure I'm submitting my changes to GitLab, but I usually clone from GitHub)

I am always like that. It doesn't matter that it's saturday.

What would a fork of the repository do on a machine of mine?
The main branch is the important one, it's where people do the commits.

Actually main branch (a.k.a. master) isn't that active, it's just latest release with minor fixes. Usually such branch is protected and development is being done in private branches then merged to develop... and after some time, usually when we are close to HF, things are being merged to master.

Also: all the stuck PRs on your github fork do not make it look like an alive project. The stars will not help.

Nah, PRs are not good metrics, could be easily abused. Improving/updating and docs/ might help.

Vote for one or many HBD stabilizer proposal(s), approve me as a witness, unapprove inactive witnesses.

Yeah... Come back with that request in 1 year.😃 All inactive votes should have been removed retroactively or at least after 1 month after the HF.

Theres 0 competition between witnesses right now, everyones coasting on the 1 event that happened with Justin Sun when everybody and their grandmother voted for whoever was against Justin.
I remember when witnesses were popping up left and right, trying to convince the community they deserve your vote, they put in effort, shared their work. Now almost no one bothers.

Thanks :) I'll try out my voting power soon! Is it like hp, where little accounts give little votes?

Yes, it's based on HP. More Hive Power means more influence on Hive (that includes not only author rewards allocation, but most importantly governance influence: voting for witnesses and proposals)

I only know of a couple of witnesses. Can I vote for more than one? Sorry if that's a stupid question. I delegated the vote to an experienced friend but I don't know if she has voted.

So you have set her as your "voting proxy" and as long as it's active your votes doesn't count.
She voted for some witnesses you can check that in block explorer:

Oh good, then it was used :) Thanks so much for showing me where to check :)


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Is it safe to assume that I have about over an year like you to began the voting on things, cause I still have my doubt that I understand hive yet although for that matter my vote won't account for much but still.

I'm with Hive-like tech for more than 5 years now, and I still want/have to learn more and more. When it comes to governance voting it's not that hard. It's like with real world's politics: even though you don't have knowledge about many fields like economics, foreign politics, social, health care, etc. you choose those who do. Except here, when your delegate does suck you can change your vote right away, and within seconds their loses your support.
Your "power down" process weakens your governance influence over time, but every vote counts (unless it doesn't when there's 0HP)

Your "power down" process weakens your governance influence over time

So I just vote and my vote value would be adjusted as per my hive power. And proposals are like referendum. I can either help or not once they cross threshold they are implemented.

Yes, your vote value is proportional to your Hive Power (that you own, delegated in/out doesn't count). Proposals are like budget expenses, once above threshold, we (Hive) pay for it every hour, as long as they stay above the threshold.

I checked out the voting thing you are the second biggest voter congratulations, obviously I also voted. Thank you for the info. I assumed that he top 30 witness would be people with 80+ reputation

Thank you for your vote.
No, our current reputation system sucks. It's easy to get high reputation by just posting a lot of content and getting votes for that. There are pople that don't post much but they are trustworthy and reliable. Unfortunately it's not easy to figure out who is such witness. It takes time, meetings and/or chats helps to guesstimate that.

Well I read it somewhere that discord plays a decent role in someone engagement in community. I already joined OCD, Splinterlands and hive gaming discord server. Could you suggest any other discord chat worth joining?

I don't like discord and I try to avoid using it. For Hive related real-time communication I prefer https://OpenHive.Chat We have some bridges to various discord servers, we can setup more if given communities request that.

low-effort comment

Try harder. Fork and Star!

mission complete

Thank you :-)

No. Thank you. If not for your motivational speech, I'd still be sitting here feeling like I haven't accomplished anything today.

Do you know that the last Hard Fork brought governance voting expiration?

Do you remember, when I proposed exactly that, you shut it down with a snarky comment about how bad that would be?

Sure, I'm not a fan, it can end badly without proper UI/UX support and community engagement.
I'm strongly opposed to vote decay and short expiration/decay windows.
Current implementation on Hive is IMHO acceptable (and a way better than EOS-ish one)

It can be bad for those at the top still sitting on all those zombie votes... apart from that, I do not see much danger.

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Hive Power Up Day - September 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation


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 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

No worries, that obsolete chat instance is turned off and will be wiped out soon.
To log in to OpenHive.Chat you just use your Hive username and your Private Posting Key to verify identity.