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RE: gtg’s abbrs.

in Blockchain Wizardry4 years ago

We are decentralized, so we are wherever we want to be. I'm using GitHub because I like it more.
We are also on GitLab because others like it. It has some advantages. Development efforts mainly happens out there. Own GitLab instance has some advantages (full control, ability to adjust it to one's needs, etc.)

We've forked. The consensus and the code. We have all the past code and all the past blocks.
Metadata linked with old repository (i.e. not the code itself) such as issues, comments, merge requests, wiki pages, etc. are not copied when forking repository.

And yes, there's a pretty good chance for Hive to be more visible on GitHub, that's why I maintain OpenHive-Network's set of repositories on GitHub. Including Awesome Hive. Those different repositories are not mutually exclusive.
What I asked in my post (Starring and Forking) boost that visibility even more.
You can make PR it's just organizational matter.

That way we could have both of those worlds. Visibility on GitHub and flexibility on a private GitLab instance.
But as I said, it's not only about mine and his instance. There are 55 forks and I want to have even more of them. @blocktrades' GitLab instance is linked with powerful CI/CD infrastructure that I do not have within my GitHub repository and could not have for reasonable price.


Are you serious? We are decentralized by having all development done on blocktrades private server?? ...Where I need an extra account?

Anyways, I just checked:

Using the keywords github and hive with google search, produces hive at rank 4 - That surprised me a lot.

Last time I checked, I was not able to find it at all.
We will never be able to beat appache/hive though.
...the other project was very easy to find.

I was surprised to find that I am a contributor on github. So that part was copied - just not on gitlab. I am no contributor there. Sucks.

Github is complicated enough for me - I do not fully understand it - I do not want gitlab now.

There were very few contributors to the old project and there is even less on syncad.gitlab. The barrier is even higher than on github, because people at least have their accounts there.

Moving away from github (the fckn standard) was a stupid move, but the choice of name was the worst.

As much as I admire what you guys have done, I resent it.

Are you serious? We are decentralized by having all development done on blocktrades private server??

OMG, please try to focus, I'm trying to convince people for the opposite - to fork the codebase to their own accounts/repositories (which is actually pretty similar just run by Microsoft, not Blocktrades) I for instance have at least few clones on my own machines.

Using the keywords github and hive with google search, produces hive at rank 4 - That surprised me a lot.

Exactly, little by little. Although I doubt we can outperform Apache ;-)

I do not want gitlab now.

I know it's Friday, but please focus: I'm endorsing GitHub :-D
(And I didn't moved from it, sure I'm submitting my changes to GitLab, but I usually clone from GitHub)

I am always like that. It doesn't matter that it's saturday.

What would a fork of the repository do on a machine of mine?
The main branch is the important one, it's where people do the commits.

Actually main branch (a.k.a. master) isn't that active, it's just latest release with minor fixes. Usually such branch is protected and development is being done in private branches then merged to develop... and after some time, usually when we are close to HF, things are being merged to master.

Also: all the stuck PRs on your github fork do not make it look like an alive project. The stars will not help.

Nah, PRs are not good metrics, could be easily abused. Improving/updating and docs/ might help.