Five Minute Freewrite: Destruction of The City

in Freewriters26 days ago


The city of Kadha was seen by many as the hub of green vegetation. Every street was lined up with tall and towering vegetations, boulevard everywhere. It gives the city nice shades and enhances its ecstatic value.

However, with the passage of time a new crop of administrators came on board and decided to make money from timber. Those tall and towering vegetations became their targets. They bounced on them, heuing them day and night for the waiting trucks of the timber merchants. Little did they know that what they were doing will mark the destruction of the city.

Funnily enough, they were not replanting. That's a waste of time,.of course. So they keep felling the trees for timer and eroding the ecosystem. Soon kadha lost its aesthetic beauty which usually attract tourists.

Today, after the successful destruction of the city by the new boys in town, kadha has become a shadow of itself. Many residents where were fed up with the unwarranted attitude of the new sheriffs in town decided to embark on a tree planting campaign to see if the lost glory of their beloved city will be restored.

A Five Minute Freewrite: Destruction of The City