Kate started working at the state secretariate when she left high school. She could not further her education because of lack of finances. She was quite lucky to be offered a secretarial job at the state secretariate. Having worked thereat for three years she met Mike and both of them married afterwards.
As time goes on children started coming. Kate's attention shifted towards them. She made sure they were well fed as well as going to school. It wasn't easy for her in the first place because of her meagre income but she was able to pull resources together with the husband and they trained their three kids up to the university level.
As she was looking to retire in the next two years luck came by her way. Another offer came up in a reputable company within the metropolis. The condition of work and salary was also attractive. Kate could not turn down this juicy offer, bearing in mind she has only two years remaining with the state government. She decided to make the switch immediately, handed in her retirement and moved over to tht private sector.
She later realized that her later job with the probate sector even gave her more time to attend to other demands of life. The working conditions are flexible for a person of her age.
Be that as it may, she made up her mind to retire fully from active service in the next five years.
A Five Minute Freewrite: Looking To Retire