Ken was late for work. He had overslept the previous night having hung out with his friends who visited from another city. They stayed all night drinking and clubbing. When ken remembered that he was expected to be in the office latest by 08:15AM he dismissed himself from his clubbing friends, took a ride and went home. The next morning he was already running late for work
To make up lost grounds, he decided to go to work with his exotic car. When he hit the road he started speeding, in fact he started to overspeed. Of course the road was smooth and less busy. He was not on cruise control. He kept firing until something nasty and unexpected happened.
His car mistakenly bumped into a pothole and there was no traction. And with that force Ken swirved and rammed into a nearby shrub. The shrub stood in-between him and the steep valley just few metres away!
Ken closed his eyes and clinched his fist as the car was about to hit the shrub. Suddenly he heard a big bang and the car was wedged; it stopped. Ken slowly opened his eyes with his senses which had hitherto left him returning in a flash. He could not believe his eyes. He was saved. Thanks to his seatbelt and the shrub. His widescreen was however shattered completely.
And like a wounded lion, Ken crawled out unhurt. He stood by and watched his luxurious expensive car badly dented with the collision impact. Surely the Lord is alive he managed to say. I'll get another replacement. Am grateful for saving my life. And with that he took some steps backwards and retraced his way back to the main road.
A Five Minute Freewrite: No Traction
close call for Ken, but he walked away unharmed despite the damage to his car... good writeup
"Yes, it was indeed"- He has learnt his lessons