Loe y su Amigo Astronauta / Loe and his Astronaut Friend

El siguiente cuento los escribimos mi hija menor, Nadiah, quien cursa el primer grado, y yo; como una tarea para su colegio. Espero que les agrade.
The following story was written by my youngest daughter, Nadiah, a first grader, and me as an assignment for her school. I hope you like it.


Loe y su Amigo Astronauta
En el planeta Saturno habitan los saturnianos, unas pequeñas criaturas con forma de pelota, que flotan en la gruesa capa de nubes del planeta y se desplazan de un lugar a otro, expulsando gases, que primero inhalan por su boca.
Los saturnianos habitan junto a las vemus y los globis, otras dos criaturas de aquel planeta que son sus mascotas, algo así como nuestros perros y gatos.

Todos los saturnianos tienen dos antenas que les ayudan a orientase en la densa atmósfera de su planeta, las antenas de todos ellos terminaban en una bolita de color verde, pero había uno de ellos que era diferente, sus antenas terminaban en un pequeño cubito, parecido a un dado de color morado.
Loe era el nombre de este saturniano especial, y vivía, junto a su vemus, Fugas, en una pequeña nube de color mostaza, que se movía rápidamente en el viento del planeta.

Aun cuando sus amigos no le decían nada al respecto, Loe se sentía diferente, por tener las puntas de sus antenas cuadradas, en vez de redondas, y eso lo hacía sentirse un poco apenado, por lo que a veces no quería salir a jugar al gusanito junto a sus amigos, juego que consistía en formar una fila, sujetándose unos a otros y saltar de una nube a otra, volando, como si fueran un trencito de bolitas.

Una noche, mientras se quedaba solo en su nube, jugando con Fugas, vio al cielo y miró una brillante estrella azul, de la que se desprendió otra estrella más pequeña, que empezó a descender y a hacerse cada vez más grande mientras se aproximaba, hasta convertirse en una pequeña nave espacial que voló alrededor de su nube, hasta detenerse junto a ella.

De la nave espacial salió una extraña criatura de color blanco, con una especie de esfera de cristal que sobresalía en su parte superior y algo que él nunca había visto antes, pero de lo que otros saturnianos le habían contado en historias de terror, tenía brazos y piernas.
La criatura se aproximó a él, agitando uno de sus brazos, por lo que Loe, asustado, se escondió dentro de su nube, esperando que no pudiera verlo.

—No te asustes, yo soy un humano y vengo de la Tierra —dijo la criatura, cuyo rostro se podía ver a través de la bola de cristal que cubría su cabeza.
Loe se asomó de entre el vapor de su nube y extendió lo más que pudo sus antenas para poder percibir mejor a aquel humano, como decía llamarse.
—Mi nombre es Alan —dijo el humano, mientras seguía agitando su brazo. —¿Cuál es tu nombre?
—Me llamo Loe —dijo, aún temeroso.
—No me temas, soy un astronauta, un explorador que viene de la Tierra a conocer tu planeta —dijo Alan y le extendió la mano a Loe.
Loe se acercó a Alan expulsando un tímido chorro de gas y palpó su mano con su antena, luego llenándose de valor, le sonrió con su gran boca y voló al rededor del astronauta.
—Gusto en conocerte Alan, yo te contaré todo sobre Saturno —le dijo Loe.
Ambos pasaron horas hablando, Loe le contó sobre su planeta, sobre cómo estaba hecho completamente de gas y sus habitantes vivían en las nubes que formaban la parte más alta de su atmósfera, flotando de nube en nube.
Le contó de los globis y las vemus, le presentó a su vemus Fugas y le mostró los trucos que le había enseñado a hacer.
Finalmente, le hablo de sus amigos de las nubes vecinas y de cómo les gustaba jugar al gusanito y de que a veces le apenaba salir a jugar con ellos, por sus antenas diferentes; entonces Alan le invito a que ambos jugaran al gusanito, así que con Loe sujetándose con sus antenas al casco de Alan, empezaron a saltar de nube en nube.
Loe, que se sostenía con fuerza de Alan, estaba asombrado por la velocidad con la que los cohetes del traje de su amigo astronauta lo hacían saltar de un lado a otro a través del cielo.
Cuando terminaron de jugar y ya de regreso en la nube de Loe, Alan se sentó a su lado y le dijo:
—No debes sentirte apenado por ser diferente, como ves tú y yo somos diferentes, pero eso no impidió que pudiéramos jugar y divertirnos juntos —dijo Alan —. De dónde vengo, todos somos diferentes, pero esas diferencias nos hacen a todos seres especiales y aunque no nos parezcamos o pensemos lo mismo, todos somos igualmente valiosos y hermosos.
Luego de estas palabras, Alan se despidió de Loe, prometiéndole volver pronto a visitarlo, abordó su nave, que continuaba flotando al lado de la nube de Loe y se alejó en el cielo, dejando tras de si una estela multicolor.

Después de conocer a Alan, Loe se dio cuenta de que no importaban sus antenas diferentes, y ahora sí, nunca más volvió a rechazar las invitaciones de sus amigos a jugar al gusanito.


Loe and his Astronaut Friend
The planet Saturn is inhabited by Saturnians, small ball-shaped creatures that float in the planet's thick cloud cover and move from place to place, expelling gases, which they first inhale through their mouths.
Saturnians live alongside vemus and globis, two other creatures of that planet that are their pets, something like our cats and dogs.

All Saturnians have two antennae that help them to orient themselves in the dense atmosphere of their planet, the antennae of all of them ended in a little green ball, but there was one of them that was different, his antennae ended in a small cube, similar to a purple dice.
Loe was the name of this special Saturnian, and he lived, along with his vemus, Fugas, in a small mustard-coloured cloud, which moved swiftly in the wind of the planet.

Even though his friends didn't say anything about it, Loe felt different because the tips of his antennae were square instead of round, and that made him feel a little embarrassed, so sometimes he didn't want to go out and play worm with his friends, a game that consisted of forming a line, holding on to each other and jumping from one cloud to another, flying like a little train of little balls.

One night, while he was alone on his cloud, playing with Fugas, he looked up at the sky and saw a bright blue star, from which a smaller star came out, which began to descend and grew bigger and bigger as it approached, until it became a small spaceship that flew around his cloud until it came to a stop next to it.

Out of the spaceship came a strange white creature, with a sort of crystal sphere protruding from its top and something he had never seen before, but from what other Saturnians had told him in horror stories, it had arms and legs.
The creature approached him, waving one of its arms, so Loe, frightened, hid inside his cloud, hoping it could not see him.

-Don't be scared, I am a human and I come from Earth," said the creature, whose face could be seen through the crystal ball that covered its head.
Loe peered out from the vapour of its cloud and extended his antennae as far as he could to better perceive the human, as it called itself.
-My name is Alan," said the human, as he continued to wave his arm. -What is your name?
-My name is Loe," he said, still fearful.
-Don't be afraid of me, I am an astronaut, an explorer coming from Earth to meet your planet," said Alan and held out his hand to Loe.
Loe approached Alan with a shy spurt of gas and touched his hand with his antennae, then, filling with courage, he smiled at him with his big mouth and flew around the astronaut.
-Nice to meet you Alan, I'll tell you all about Saturn," said Loe.
The two spent hours talking, Loe told him about his planet, about how it was made entirely of gas and its inhabitants lived in the clouds that formed the highest part of its atmosphere, floating from cloud to cloud.
He told him about the globis and vemus, introduced him to his vemus Fugas and showed him the tricks he had taught him to do.
Finally, he told him about his friends in the neighbouring clouds and how they liked to play worm, and that sometimes he was embarrassed to go out and play with them, because of their different antennae; so Alan invited him to play worm, and with Loe holding on to Alan's helmet with his antennae, they started jumping from cloud to cloud.
Loe, who was holding on tightly to Alan, was amazed at the speed with which the rockets of his astronaut friend's suit made him jump back and forth across the sky.
When they had finished playing and were back on Loe's cloud, Alan sat down next to him and said, "You mustn't feel sorry for yourself:
-"You mustn't feel sorry for being different, you see you and I are different, but that didn't stop us being able to play and have fun together," said Alan, "Where I come from, we are all different. Where I come from, we are all different, but those differences make us all special beings and even if we don't look or think alike, we are all equally valuable and beautiful.
After these words, Alan said goodbye to Loe, promising to return soon to visit him, boarded his ship, which continued to hover next to Loe's cloud and flew away into the sky, leaving behind a multicoloured trail.

After meeting Alan, Loe realised that his different antennae didn't matter, and now, yes, he never again refused his friends' invitations to play worm games.

Todas las ilustraciones fueron realizadas por mi hija Nadiah, para su cuento.
All the illustrations were made by my daughter Nadiah, for her story.
He leído este cuento con una sonrisa en el rostro todo el tiempo, y he acabado con ganas de jugar al gusanito con Loe. Muchas gracias por alegrarme el día, y saludos desde México!