Would Something Change If You Read Your Favorite Book A Hundred Times?

in Freewriters4 months ago (edited)


Yes is the short answer. Many things would change if you read your favorite book a hundred times. Every time, you'll understand something new. Every time you read that book you'll realize something you didn't pay much attention to the first time.

When I say to someone that I'm reading a book for the second or third time they always ask: why? I do it with videos and articles too, because some things are worth reading or watching multiple times. In fact, you never get a hundred percent of a book when you read it a single time.

We often think in a quantitative way, we want to say and feel like we're read a lot of books, we think that the more books we read the smarter we get. When arguable all you might need in life is a couple of exceptional books read enough times. It's not about what you read, but rather what you digest.

There are talks on YouTube that I've listened to over ten times, and I can assure you that every single time I learn something new, not only that but I know that if I listened to them ten more times I'll still learn new things.

It's important to transition from this quantitative way of evaluating ideas to a qualitative one, especially with ideas because their quantity mean nothing, only their quality do.

There are millions if not billions of books, most of them aren't the right one for you, many of them aren't worth reading. When you find a book that is really worth reading, especially if it's a dense one, make sure to read it enough times till you fully digest it, only then you'll realize that it's much more beneficial than reading a couple of average books.

A book that I've listened to many times and I'll continue to do as long as I'm alive is: The Richest Man In Babylon. Although it's a fairly simple book, it has principles that I not only want to learn but I want to live by. Every time I listen to this book a different chapter or principle stick with me,it rings a bell and I start acting accordingly.

You might feel like you're missing out on other good books, but believe me you're not. Take your time to fully understand and digest a book's ideas.

There's also this speech that I listened to probably ten times at least, it's a speech from an NA speaker (Narcotics Anonymous) by someone called Troy S., he spoke about his addiction journey and how he quit using drugs, and I know I'll continue to listen to it many more times.

If life-changing ideas aren't very abundant, then it only makes sense to digest them thoroughly.


solo un lector apasionado comprende esta paradoja, volver a leer un libro es volver a caminar por la senda del descubrimiento

Exactly, remember that you're not the same person! You've gained more experience and you accumulated more knowledge. Your circumstances have been preparing you to understand more of the same book.
Happy to know that my idea makes sense I thought no one would agree with me. Thank you for taking the time to write this comment it means a lot to me.