Panspermia is a hypothesis that suggests that life on Earth could have originated elsewhere in the universe and then arrived on our planet via meteorites, asteroids or other celestial bodies.
In other words, life would have been seeded on Earth from another corner of the cosmos.
According to this theory, simple micro-organisms or even more complex life forms could have travelled through space and become protected inside rocks or space debris.
These 'packages' of life, called pansperms, could have been released during asteroid or comet impacts on Earth, and thus seeded life on our planet.
The idea behind panspermia is that conditions for the emergence of life may be more favourable elsewhere in the universe and that life may be more resilient and adaptable than we thought.
Furthermore, panspermia also raises the possibility that life may exist on other planets or moons within our own solar system.
However, it is important to note that panspermia is still a theory and has not been definitively confirmed.
Although there is evidence that micro-organisms can survive in extreme conditions in space, such as radiation and lack of oxygen, conclusive proof that life has arrived on Earth in this way has not yet been found.
However, there are those who claim that water arrived via comets when all this was nothing more than a protoplanetary disc, perhaps with the Ort cloud already formed or forming.
That water in an icy state through comets that impacted our planet and turned it into what it is today and that it is thanks to that process that we are here.