Hello friend of Hive and reading lovers I bring you a story that I dedicated to my friend a few months ago is called: Strangers

I finally feel that you are putting an end to all this, that, judging by your behavior, you made a choice where I am not a part of it, and neither is she. Now it's someone else who's keeping you busy, it seems she's better at entertaining you than I am.
And while I am building up the courage to let you go against any current made by unrequited love, you are already on your way to completely reassemble a life without me, without the "one and only", the one who made "bad things good", your emotional support and source of trust, keeper of secrets.
I remember our last call where there were still traces of wanting, with your nervous and hurried voice, throwing me a compliment, something that is not like you, and wanting to change the subject feigning shy ignorance. Our gawking laughter, typical of lovers, wanting to extend the time, adding hours to the clock to spend more time together, inventing any excuse to keep talking about nonsense. You had told me that you didn't mind talking about the most boring things as long as you could hear my voice and yet lately I found myself doing my best to make you answer me with simple monosyllables, looking for excuses not to spend time together and avoiding watching the series we had left pending.
You changed our picture to someone else next to you, smiling. You hid our relationship on facebook saying that it doesn't matter and that we didn't stop being a couple because of something so simple.
The changes are so superfluous..... But they affect me, and I can't help but feel crazy. Because if it's something so indifferent for you, why not for me.
Suddenly, those nightmares I had about you letting go of me little by little, came true, where when I closed my eyes I started that horror story in which I was a spectator and I saw how your life moved forward without me, with another woman, but when I was forced to wake up and come back to reality, those nightmares continue and hurt me more.
We no longer share our anniversary photo, you no longer have our relationship in public, you no longer want to watch any movies with me, you no longer want us to listen to music together, you no longer want us to make phone calls, you no longer want to tell me your secrets, you no longer want us to talk to each other like we used to. In the meantime I gave it all away. My love, my most intimate secrets, my trust and my life. I gave you everything, so that you simply don't want anything to do with me anymore.
I would like to know what it was about your ex that made you keep thinking about her when you were with me, and what it is about this girl you don't want to talk about that makes you want to replace me with her.
Sometimes I envy your indifference to the most important things and go on like you do, leaving me as a dramatic desperate for more, because I can't get used to these days where we talk less and less. With your attitude it was more than clear to me what you want from our relationship. You are looking for an "it's over" when I still have a freshly started bottle of ink, and so many unused sheets of paper? There's still my "Happy birthday, honey" that I've been waiting for since December to give you the gift I bought you, or our outing to Starbuks as a reward for passing midterms and going to finals. We had so much left to do, with your voice still whispering in my ear how much you love me?
But you don't want to love me anymore. There will be no "Happy Birthday, sweetheart," because a stranger doesn't call another stranger "sweetheart."