Popular or unpopular as he might be Mark Zuckerberg is no doubt a successful person in anyone's eye.
But it did not start all warm and happy for things he did during the beginning of his life. Mark created Facemash a web page where students images (from his Dorm) were put up on a website for people to rate according to their attractiveness. Many students complained that their photos were used without permission and Mark was made to apologize and shit down the website. Most people at this point would take this as heavy criticism and a negative outlook towards other things they do in life. But Mark didn't. He kept pushing his skills and ideas even though it sounds too crazy to be good yet he did it anyway. And then he made Thefacebook.com and the rest is history.
Reed Hastings would sell vacuum cleaners going door to door before going on to college.
He joined the Marine Corps yet failed to complete his program and also failed to join the Marine Corps. He was rejected by MIT. Despite all this Hastings knew that he could not wait around, he believed in his skills and his worth. He joined many businesses to learn how things worked in the business World. In 2007 when he was 47 years old , the age where most people think about retirement and a peaceful life, Hastings founded Netflix and never had to look back again.
You see where I am going with this.
Things happen in life, some when you expect it, most when you least expect it
Challenges along the way always puts us with a troubled mind and self doubt. If these people ever had such a mind block in their lives they would never go on to achieve tremendous success. Sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves that no matter what we do troubles and challenges are a part of life. We need to learn to deal with it, fix it or move around it and keep pushing ourselves to the next step.
There is no use waiting in life for positive things to happen. We look at the News and they always seem to sensationalize the lucky winner whether it be lottery winners or meme coin investors. The Media does this cause they know how the human mind works,
We look for an easy way out and we like to read about them and then dream about them
No one likes to take the traditional approach of working hard or smart towards something because honestly it is boring. We never like to think that discipline and keeping a positive mindset is a quality what a majority of successful people have in common.
No matter what you experienced or no matter how silly you think your idea is or your intention is. Do it with all your heart and complete what you started. Some will fail but eventually you will start to reveal your potential and find light at the end of the tunnel.
Advanced wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year