If I ever forget who I am

in Freewriters8 months ago


If I ever forget who I am,
memory, come and be my guide.
To the blue sea take my submissive spirit,
where the wind whispers my truth.
To the full moon tell it to shine,
to illuminate my path without fear.
And to the stars I ask to shine brightly,
marking my course, without deviation or fear.
Remind me of every step, every longing,
to know that dreaming is my power.
Show me mountains that inspire my being,
that in their grandeur I may find my flight.
Tell me that dreams are waiting for me,
the achievements carved with effort.
Whisper in my ear, sway my waist,
let music be reborn, let my soul sing again.


me atrapo el titulo, muy bonito, aveces nos perdemos en el camino y por un instante se nos olvida quienes somos

Ocurre a menudo que olvidamos quienes somos por un momento

eso es verdad, por eso nos debemos detener el andar y mirarnos internamente
