Happy whife happy life. That's what they say, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not as easy as it sounds. Sure, you can buy her flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and all that jazz, but is that really what she wants? Is that what makes her happy? Maybe for a day or two, but then what? You have to keep up the charade, the endless cycle of gifts and compliments, the constant pressure to please her every whim and desire. And for what? A smile? A kiss? A thank you? Don't get me wrong, I love my whife. She's the best thing that ever happened to me. But sometimes I wonder if she loves me for me, or for what I can do for her. Sometimes I wish I could just be myself, and not have to worry about making her happy all the time. Sometimes I wish she could make me happy too. Is that too much to ask? Happy whife happy life. More like happy whife miserable husband.
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