Mother bear

in Freewriters2 years ago

In a dense forest lived a family of bears consisting of a mother bear and her two cubs. The mother bear was fiercely protective of her cubs and would do anything to keep them safe.

One day, while the mother bear was out looking for food, her cubs wandered off into the forest. They were playing and having fun when they suddenly heard a loud noise. They looked around and saw that they were surrounded by hunters.

The cubs were scared and didn’t know what to do. They started to cry for their mother. The mother bear heard her cubs’ cries and came running back to them. She saw the hunters and knew that she had to act fast.

She charged at the hunters, growling and roaring. The hunters were scared and ran away as fast as they could. The mother bear had saved her cubs from danger.

From that day on, the cubs never wandered off into the forest again without their mother by their side. They knew that their mother would always protect them no matter what.

The family of bears lived happily ever after in the dense forest.

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Poor Cubs! I can imagine how terrified they must have been when they saw the hunters. I'm glad mother came to the rescue.

hehe yea, but they might come back when they are grown

I know. Hunters never get tired😂