Hay veces que no hay vuelta atrás, por más que lo intentemos debemos abandonar.
Abandonar es de cobardes dirán.
En cambio, me atrevo a decir que para abandonar algo que se ha amado con tanta locura, y dedicación es un acto de valentía que pocos pueden realizar.
Abandonar no significa dejar de luchar, abandonar no significa desertar de un sueño o de una persona.
Abandonar significa amarnos a unos mismos, alejarnos de eso que nos lastima el alma, porque la vida es corta y larga a la vez.
Aunque parezca irónico así es.
Si seguimos luchando contra algo que no tiene solución ni futuro, veremos cómo nuestros días se extienden, parecen no tener fin, al igual que nuestra vida, una vida vana, con un alma vacía que solo lucha para evitar el final.
Si logramos abandonar, apreciaremos la magnificencia del universo que nos rodea, que por estar luchando por ese "algo" sin sentido no podemos contemplar.
¿Entonces debemos abandonar?
Debemos hacerlo una vez que hemos dado todo, no perdamos tiempo y disfrutemos el universo y las personas que nos rodean. No intentemos resolver lo que no se puede, aunque parezca una suma complicada, a veces el mejor borrarlo y comenzar de nuevo.
No somos eternos, pero nuestra alma si, mantengámosla en paz y harmonía.
Suelta la mano, camina sin rumbo, tu alma te llevará a un lugar mejor.
Aprecia el infinito de tu ser. Encuéntrate a ti mismo, hazte feliz, ya intentaste hacer feliz a muchas personas. Quiérete, amate, contémplate, consiéntete.
Lucha, pero lucha por ti.

There are times when there is no turning back, no matter how hard we try we must give up.
To give up is cowardly, they will say.
On the other hand, I dare to say that to abandon something that has been loved with so much madness and dedication is an act of courage that few can perform.
To abandon does not mean to stop fighting, to abandon does not mean to desert a dream or a person.
To abandon means to love ourselves, to move away from that which hurts our soul, because life is short and long at the same time.
Although it may seem ironic, it is so.
If we keep fighting against something that has no solution or future, we will see how our days are extended, they seem to have no end, just like our life, a vain life, with an empty soul that only fights to avoid the end.
If we manage to give up, we will appreciate the magnificence of the universe around us, which because we are fighting for that meaningless “something” we cannot contemplate.
So should we give up?
We should do it once we have given everything, let's not waste time and let's enjoy the universe and the people around us. Let us not try to solve what cannot be solved, even if it seems a complicated sum, sometimes it is better to erase it and start again.
We are not eternal, but our soul is, let's keep it in peace and harmony.
Let go of your hand, walk aimlessly, your soul will take you to a better place.
Appreciate the infinity of your being. Find yourself, make yourself happy, you already tried to make many people happy. Love yourself, love yourself, be content, pamper yourself.
Fight, but fight for yourself.
Translated with DeepL (free version)