30 years.
Or should I say approximately 31 years if we round of the six months and part thereof.
So after 31 years, I stand at the entrance of our old house.
The smell of neem leaves from the neem tree I remember my grandmother planting makes my feel like it was just yesterday.
I bent over and saw the stick figure art under the window pane that me and my sister had done together.
So many memories flooding together made my eyes do the same with tears.
I slowly unlocked the door and creaked it open.
Everything looked familiar yet so different.
Everything looked just like it did 31 years ago and yet so lifeless.
Normally, as soon as I push open the door I could smell my mother’s cooking all the way from the kitchen and now the only thing I could smell was the wet taste of darkness and mould.
I moved across the sofa and suddenly a thought crossed my mind “Robo?!”.
Frantically I kneeled down and put my hand under the sofa feeling my way through the pitch black.
Once I put my had in all sorts of weird thoughts slammed my head “What if I accidentally grasp a cockroach???”
Defeated mostly because of my fear of cockroaches I gave up and pulled out my hand.
That’s when I saw it. Placed on the sofa, was ‘Robo’, my old toy and most favourite toy.
I never left it alone. I remember that I used to carry it with me even while taking bath in a plastic bag.
While every thing felt old and lifeless ‘Robo’ looked exactly the same.
As soon as I picked him up the muscle memory in my hands stroked his head. The lights in his eyes lit up and I heard a very very familiar sentence with a familiar tune and accent, “I Love you”.
The ringer of my phone went on. It was a call from my sister.
I answered it but there was some interference, so I put ‘Robo’in my handbag and walked out to get a better signal.
“Can you hear me now?”, I repeated for the fifth time.
“Hey … Yup … loud and clear.”, replied my sister.
“Oh guess what … I found Robo. He is exactly the same. Strange thing is the batteries are like working even after all this time. Guess they made some amazingly long lasting batteries during our time.”, I said.
“Robo? Oh you mean that creepy little toy that Grandpa threw out long ago? You were so obsessed with that stupid thing … You even told it used to talk to you when it was just a one piece toy with no mechanics … We were so worried about you then … Ha I get it … you are trying to pull my leg bringing that up … Oh wait I’ll call you back someone’s at the door…”, she replied before she cut the call.
I stood stunned at the spot trying to process everything going on. I could hear the gears in my head spinning trying to piece everything together.
Amidst all that I heard the voice from my bag again “I Love You’.
Hello Everyone!!!
Details of the same can be found at the link below:This is my post for the 5 Minute Freewrite by @mariannewest and @freewritehouse.
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