Lol, keep it down over there, no loud parties until the early hours! In truth I wouldn't mind you living next door, we can train together and be prepared for any threats that arose...And I know how ingenious Germans are so we could engineer cool shit! Also, Joy could be a good watch dog when he wasn't sleeping.
No peeking into my cave when me and cavegirl are by the pond though.
Lol, keep it down over there, no loud parties until the early hours! In truth I wouldn't mind you living next door, we can train together and be prepared for any threats that arose...And I know how ingenious Germans are so we could engineer cool shit! Also, Joy could be a good watch dog when he wasn't sleeping.
No peeking into my cave when me and cavegirl are by the pond though.
Awww best neighbors ewaaaaa 😊... and of course no peeking while you're gone 🙄 🤣

It'll be good to have you there. Better security and you. And bake cakes and invite me for coffee.