The world had finally gone mad. Technology, consumerism, control, media propaganda, greed, hate, want over need, hubris and a general breakdown of basic human values. It had spiralled downward for years but since the illness had accelerated tenfold. People were fed lies and they swallowed it whole. original im src
I always said I'd leave and even half-believed it but in the last year it became a necessity not some cute thing I said for shock-value but a dire need. I couldn't entertain society anymore and needed to detach and so I left.
The romantic part of me envisaged an exit on foot apocalyptic-world-style; loaded back pack and trailing a hand-cart behind with the additional items I'd need. It was epic. But the reality was my four-by-four truck fully loaded with a trailer behind piled high with everything I felt I'd need. It was a lot of equipment; I wasn't planning on returning after all.
It wasn't random, the equipment or the destination, I'd planned it, although I didn't expect what I eventually found.
I headed north out of the city leaving it, and it's repellant, disgusting society behind. As it fell away the taint, the repulsive stench of it, seemed to melt away to be replaced with a sense of adventure, of excitement and satisfaction. I was gone, or going, and it just felt right. I felt in control of myself and not at all sad to leave people behind me.
A couple weeks later I was deep in the wilderness. The track had ended miles back and I'd been battling to get my truck and trailer moving forward.
It was vast country, nothing for hundreds of kilometres and I'd not seen anyone for days. The mountains loomed above me and I had to make a decision; leave the truck or keep trail-breaking to get it through in the hope of finding a suitable place to set up camp. My new home.
I decided to scout ahead on foot, gain some height, and see if I could locate a suitable place or a way forward.
I worked my way upwards reaching the top of a draw I'd hiked through then stopped to scan around me. It had been hard work, the mountains were steep and for every metre in elevation gained I'd had to walk three to traverse the rugged terrain. A fire trail would have been handy, but that wasn't an option in this remote part of the world.
I took a drink and surveyed the land and that's when I saw it.
The cave
I figured it was a few hundred metres above me nestled in the saddle between two peaks with even higher mountains behind and off into the distance. My binoculars confirmed what I'd seen; a cave. I glanced up at the sun figuring I'd have enough time to get there but would need to stay overnight as I'd not make it back to my truck. I hefted my backpack, shouldered my rifle and started out.
The entrance was wide, maybe four metres at ground level, and arched over to a height of just over two metres at its highest point allowing me to walk in without bending, but only just. With rifle at the ready, I didn't know what might be in there, I went in, my headlamp lighting the way.
I'm not one to call many things perfect but this cave really was.
It was quite narrow on the inside. I figured it was formed by some volcanic activity millions of years ago and the rather large entrance was deceptive as the interior was more like a hallway, maybe two metres wide. There was no signs of anything having been in here for years; no tracks, bones, fur or even any bracken. It led off rearward, did a sharp left turn then a right and...
...I stepped into another world.
That was two years ago.
Today I sat next to the deep pool fed from an underground spring. It had always been one of my favourite places.
I did a few laps there each day and loved sitting by the outlet that wended its way down a series of small waterfalls until it disappeared down a crevice to flow out and away down the mountain far below. Light floods in for a couple of hours a day courtesy of fissures above and the breezes drawn in from the forest outside are laced with pine, and and earthy scents of the forest.
Each day I sit and write in my notebook; a thought or feeling, a sentence of gratitude or a note to self.
I sat and thought about the last two years. I felt deeply satisfied and completely content. It had taken some effort to carry all of my gear and equipment up to the cave over the weeks after locating it. Setting up my new home took far longer but it was comfortable now; all I needed. My vegetables were doing well and there was no shortage of game to hunt with bow and rifle, snare and trap. Fresh water, fresh air, fire for warmth...I needed nothing else.
I'd managed to make a shelter for my vehicle way back down the mountain but in truth hadn't been there for months. I was happy to be in my cave and to spend my days doing the simple tasks that sustained my life. Growing, making and repairing things, hunting, gathering, sleeping...And spending time with her.
I'd not seen a soul for over twelve months since finding my cave; I was happy with that state of being. I was hunting that day and had decided to hunt a section I'd not been before; I don't know why.
I'd tracked a deer for a few hours; if you've ever done it you'll know how quiet one must be. It was in my sights and with a whispered, thank you for your sacrifice, I squeezed on the trigger and just before the shot rang out...It bolted out of sight. Fuck, I thought, all that effort wasted.
I stayed in place hoping it would come back into sight for my shot and that's when I saw her. She looked quite ridiculous loaded down with a back pack that was almost larger than her. I was immediately annoyed as I knew she'd spooked the deer; unwittingly of course, but I was annoyed anyway.
I watched her walk my way though the rifle scope; she was about four hundred metres out and labouring under the weight of the pack and the difficult terrain. I think back now and question why I didn't wonder what the hell she was doing in the middle of nowhere, but at the time...I was all about those eyes.
She'd stopped to catch her breath and looked right at me, right down the rifle scope. That's when my heart skipped. Oh fuck, those eyes.
I stayed still letting her come to me. I wanted to be a gentleman and offer to help with the backpack but...She'd scared away my dinner so I waited, still just a little annoyed, but more curious. Maybe my social skills were a little rusty ok?
We laugh about it now; the moment she realised I was there. She'd jumped a foot off the ground when I stood up only four metres from her and she'd said far too loudly, oh my fuck, you scared me you idiot! Not quite a warm greeting. Things went south from there for a while but after a brief exchange things settled down.
She'd wanted to escape the world just like I did and after a series of adventures had found herself hiking in my mountain range. She'd taken weeks and weeks to walk here from the nearest fly-speck town hundreds of kilometres away. She was bonkers for attempting it of course, and I was surprised she wasn't dead, but there she was in all her amazing, beautiful, stubborn, warrior-princess glory. Tough? Yeah she was. Beautiful? Heartbreakingly so. I was a little smitten.
We made our way back to my cave over the rest of that day and the next talking all the way. I had found my manners and carried her back pack giving her my smaller day-pack and rifle instead. We talked about everything and nothing. We laughed, she cried a little and we decided we liked each other. It helped that she loved my cave once we arrived.
Today I sat next to the deep pool fed from an underground spring. It was one of my favourite places. It was incredibly beautiful and...Well, I knew that any moment she'd pop out from below the surface and stand only metres away letting the water run of her lithe naked body, head tilted to one side as she squeezed water from her hair. My cavegirl.
She walked over, leaned and kissed my cheek before taking her place beside me and asked, what are you writing today?
I'd been slow to share my writing with her at the beginning; it was mine and was private. But over the months I'd opened up and now it was a ritual. I'd write and share and she'd write and share. It felt right as we'd become so close; so connected.
I smiled and tilted the notebook so she could read today's words:
Caveman meets cavegirl: Love happens.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Good story. I enjoyed it. I suppose it could be done alright, but personally I am the first to admit I would miss some of societies' "frills" like soft toilet paper lol.
Thank you mate, much appreciated. And yeah, modern society certainly has some things most of us would miss. People say their smart phone or computer but there's more important things too, as you point out. 😉
Guess who owns this cave, right next door ;)
Lol, keep it down over there, no loud parties until the early hours! In truth I wouldn't mind you living next door, we can train together and be prepared for any threats that arose...And I know how ingenious Germans are so we could engineer cool shit! Also, Joy could be a good watch dog when he wasn't sleeping.
No peeking into my cave when me and cavegirl are by the pond though.
Awww best neighbors ewaaaaa 😊... and of course no peeking while you're gone 🙄 🤣

It'll be good to have you there. Better security and you. And bake cakes and invite me for coffee.
If only we could escape the psychological destruction of society like this! Though I would hope that the little man would be the one to find a mate like this, not I. Sad to think of him finding a girlfriend lol
I'd caveman-up for sure...I mean I can see myself doing this in real life. Maybe I'm working on it now.
He's a long way off from finding a girl bro, at least 4-5 years. 🤪
I think this is actually quite possibly a factual part to this story - as pessimistic as it may seem, I do not forego this scenario playing out in the next while the way things are currently accelerating.
They do grow up so fast don't they? Just please teach him to be a decent future caveman and he'll do fine.
It's frictional yet it feels true, This is a beautiful piece, I must say you're a blessed writer.
Wow! the caveman actually fell at first sight through the riffle's scope!.
But at the end they both got what they wanted : freedom from the world and also love🤗 ( I feel everyone wants love that's why I added it)
Thank you for taking a read and commenting. I like to write these fictional pieces now and then,it allows me to stretch my imagination and writing skills a little.
This is a really civilized caveman. Our Physics teacher told us that when a caveman fancied a cavewoman, he would just knock her out with a tool before dragging her back to his cave. Our ancestors used to be much more brutal and less romantic than we think.
Haha, well I thought I'd better depict a well-mannered caveman. Personally I'd not knock a girl on the head like that although I'd go as far as sweeping her off her feet with charm, humour, attentiveness, respect and manners.
Ok ok, maybe then I'd throw her over my shoulder and head back the cave...But only if she was consenting. ☺️
A heavenly story here, surrounded by the lovely truth of nature and life as it was meant to be.
So the universe decicided to send you a compatible little being and the Adam and Eve story started all over again.
Luckily this time you didn't lose a rib in the process :)
No ribs were lost in the writing of this post. 😉
Yep, I see the Adam and Eve aspect here now you mention it. Unintentional of course, but kind of nice right? I mean, I'm not religious, but that first man and woman thing sort of works...Or could it be, last man and woman?
In truth this fiction is what I have in my head; the caveman concept, getting away from society.
Thanks for your comments Zac. I hope you're well and looking after that knee.
Just came to my mind as I read your story mate.
Indeed it could be the last man and woman.
A good thing to have this story in your head and thank you for placing it also in my mind, as I feel exactly the same.
Ever seen a Sea Lion in action? Go and and look.
I have an appointment with a knee specialist on Monday.
Out of here now, but will soon be back.
Sounds too good to be true, keep dreaming...
Good read, sometimes wonder how many would be totally happy to live in a situation of bliss and harmony before things turned sour, more arrived or fall outs begin in matters of opinion... 🙃
Just a fiction. I found that I had five minutes spare this afternoon and banged it out for a bit of fun. A good use of five minutes I'd say.
Not a bad thing to let the mind roam, great read and if only!
Thanks Joan. 😉
That was a beautiful story! Glad you didn't accidentally shoot your cavegirl.
Thanks mate, it was a bit of fun.
I was thinking of when the last time I accidentally shot something was and couldn't come up with one...Not that I'll share here anyway! But yeah, it wouldn't have been good to have shot the girl before we got to know each other. 😁
Uhmmm G-dog, wording yo! It probably would have been bad form to have shot the cave girl after getting to know each other too, you know, unless she posed a threat to your survival which I find doubtful 🤣
Yeah, wouldn't happen. The old G-dog doesn't accidentally shoot things. Training don't you know. And nope, not going to shoot cavegirl.
I didn't really figure someone with the skill and training that you have would accidentally shoot anything, ever. The thought just popped into my head because of how you described watching her through your scope. I bet she's probably fast enough to dodge bullets anyhow ;)
Yeah I know, it wouldn't go down well if I did. I knew what you meant though. It's strange actually, looking down the scope at something one is not going to shoot. I try not to do it of course, it doesn't feel right. I have decent binoculars so use them but occasionally the rifle scope. I never put the cross hairs on something that's not getting shot though. Just my rule.
And yeah, cavegirl is pretty legit. She'd dodge any bullet fired her way, or catch it and throw it back.
Now that's my kind of cavegirl. She got any sisters? ;)
Nice story, I hope in real life you find your super girl. I love your writings they are fiction but seem real. As I read along I think it's real until I realize it's fiction. Regards.
I'm glad you like my writing, I don't do too badly for a caveman huh?
It's like a fairy tale or a good story, I think it's good for me to tell a story of life when when the children were difficult to sleep, I once tried to read a book called the cave of brave children, I often did it when my nephew hard to sleep. 🙂
Yeah, it's just a fictional story I decided to write. I get a kick out of it.
Oh, that's very concerning 🥺
On one breath I read about the adventures in the cave! And as rightly said at the end: Tomorrow is not promised ...
Yes, it's a bit of an adventure huh?
Yes. Surprisingly, my last post is also about a cave and an ancient man in it)) We published on the same topic, and I did not know about your post! See for yourself and see for yourself, please.
I'll have a look. What a coincidence hey? ☺️
I think your life story is more interesting and informative than hundreds of movies
But do you really miss your previous life?
This is a fictional story Sara, not a description of my life. (داستان) - I hope that says fiction in Persian.
Yes, I did and I really enjoyed the story
I mean your lifestyle in general, which I like very much
Ah ok, I wasn't sure. I have a pretty decent life and lifestyle; I've had bad times of course but a lot of good ones too; life is like that I suppose.
I hope you're having a good week so far and that your Wednesday is enjoyable.
Yes, it really is
But if we focus on good times; They are repeated to us more often
Be healthy, happy and rich
Interesting how our fiction could be just one the possible futures and not make believe at all.
Cave Girls or Java Monsters. They are both possible futures.
And the escape to that cave may be the only future we have with any real freedom to it. As the unelected, unwanted little dictators wittle our freedoms away, day by day...
Agreed...I'm on the scout out for the cave.