When I was new I boasted,
my youth I thought eternal,
old age distant, a chimera,
I thought it was not enough for me.
The old were serene grandparents,
others, tender as children played,
but reality came and showed
that growing old brings new ground.
Today with white hair and wrinkles
my face reflects the time gone by,
tired body, curved back,
the cold reminds me of the reason of age.
Old age has found me too,
desolate days, without love or affection,
the implacable clock marks its destiny,
but in what I've lived I find my Eden.
Geriatric gymnastics
Post mortem mayhem
Botox my buttocks
Crushing on my crutches
Born toothless and bald
Die toothless and bald
One line, live this life one time 😉
Occurring and true