in Freewriters10 months ago (edited)


That is what we see in the mirror is nothing more than our own perception of a being that we are not. Today I decided to participate in an initiative that arrived a little late and that will have to be translated with deepl due to lack of time... I hope you will forgive the rush. This is the reference image:
A veces, lo que vemos en el espejo no es más que nuestra propia percepción de un ser que no somos. Hoy decido participar en una iniciativa a la cual llegó un poco retardada y que tendrá que traducir con deepl por falta de tiempo... Espero perdonen la premura. Está es la imagen para inspirarse:

Source The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of #pic1000

You lived as the child to whom everything was given,
You grew up thinking you deserved everything without forging anything,
You craved for money by the bucketloads, Craved for money without making letters your oak tree.

You watched the hands build the walls,
The King with his people laying the foundations of a future,
The Queen sowing values and sacrificing her luxuries.
You had the example -now not valued- of the effort to create what we dream of.

Fate had given you opportunities,
You spent as many jewels as you could get your hands on,
Spent only to live as the wealthiest,
Money that never reached the coffers.

You played big enough to roam the lands,
Went so far without caring for what you leave behind...
A people drowned in misery!
For now a queen cared for your welfare in spite of her.

Now you claim to be the king issuing decrees,
False parchments that -according to you- affirm your mandate,
Orders taken without consultation as a tyrant,
Just because you saw yourself in the mirror and looked human.

So you decided to see your reflection as a saint,
Arranged the details so as not to recognize yourself as a usurper,
You broke the hearts of those who wanted your progress
And you imagined that it was all right.

Now you are offended, claiming to be the King,
Ruler of a castle you did not forge,
Where the stones were not the ones you carried.
Where you were only a refugee of real monarchs.

This is my participation 😉🌹- here the rules.

Viviste siendo el niño a quien todo le daban,
Creciste pensando merecer todo sin forjar nada,
Te antojaste del dinero a montones,
Antojo mantenido aún sin hacer de las letras tu roble.

Observaste las manos construir los muros,
el Rey junto a su pueblo haciendo bases de un futuro,
La Reina sembrando valores y sacrificando sus lujos.
Tuviste el ejemplo -ahora no valorado- del esfuerzo por crear lo que soñamos.

El destino oportunidades te había brindado,
gastaste cuántas joyas llegaron a tus manos,
gastadas solo para vivir como el más adinerado,
dinero que a los cofres jamás han llegado.

Jugaste a ser grande como para recorrer las tierras,
Fuiste tan lejos sin preocuparte por lo que dejas...
¡Un pueblo ahogado en la miseria!
Porque ahora una reina se preocupaba de tu bienestar a pesar de ella.

Ahora dices ser el rey emanando decretos,
Pergaminos falsos que -segun tú- afirman tu mandato,
Órdenes tomadas sin consulta cuál tirano,
Solo porque te viste en el espejo y parecías humano.

Así decidiste ver tu reflejo como santo,
Acomodaste los detalles para no reconocerte usurpador,
Rompiste corazones de quienes querían tu progreso
E imaginaste que estaba bien todo eso.

Ahora te ofendes diciendo ser el Rey,
Regente de un castillo que no forjaste, Donde las piedras no fueron las que cargaste.
Donde solo eras un refugiado de los monarcas reales.

Está es mi participación 😉🌹- aquí las reglas.

& Telegram as @DarkFemme

All divisor, cover and sign are My own, with ibispaint's app.
Original content will posting in My several social media with the same nickname.

Todos los separadores y la firma son de mi propiedad, realizados con ibispaint.
Contenido original que será promocionado en mis redes sociales con el mismo nombre de usuario.


Very powerful and inciteful topic
More of that

Muy bien elaborado apegado a la imagen que nos indican. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazo.

Very well made, attached to the image they indicate to us. Much success and a hug.