Cat Proofing My Rat Traps 10.19.2024

in Freewritersyesterday


So you are in your house and you see a rat sticking its face from under the TV stand, it is very frustrating. I think, I need to kill these rats, but what about my cat. I mean you just can put out rat traps and your cat not be in danger.

So I figure I better put cat barriers on my rat traps, that is it, a cat proof way of having rat traps.

So in the picture there, you see a rat trap, but it is incased in an upside down crate. I bought the crate from Curry's a discount store for 2 dollars.

I put a brick on top the crate to make the crate more stable and the rat bait I use is peanut butter, I use Skippy's currently and I just make sure the rat trap is over baited with lots of peanut butter. I also make sure to put a lot of peanut butter under the metal trip that would trigger the trap.

It is that extra peanut butter under the metal trip that the rat wants and by tripping it, triggers the trap.

So I have caught a lot rats with this tecnique and also my own cat has by herself has killed three rats since summer.

I don't have a lot of crates, but I also use cardboard boxes with holes on the sides, with the rat traps inside. I have caught some rats that way too.

So yes it is important that the rat traps do not hurt the cat, just the rats.

Then what do I do about the dead rat bodies?

Well I have skunks that live under my house in the crawlspace. Well, where the entrance of the crawlspace I put a plate, that I will never use again for my own eating use, but I go and put the dead rat body in the plate and the next day the dead rat body is gone. Skunks like to eat dead things like rats.

Also I have checked my walls and there were three holes in the walls where the rat might have chewed it way through the plaster or wood were found. I have plugged up those holes with steel plates, backed by bricks. So I have closed off at least 3 rat holes, there might be more, but I least I closed off three that I know of.

So now you know how I cat proof my rat traps.

Let's end with scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, I am the vine, ye the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.John 15:5.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.