Buen dìa para todos, hoy les dejo la continuaciòn de los relatos que he llamado portales, prometo que ya pronto harè el final, agradezco a todos por leerme, para mi estos son ejercicios para el desarrollo de la escritura. Feliz dìa. 🍁
Good morning everyone, today I leave you the continuation of the stories that I have called portals, I promise that soon I will make the end, I thank you all for reading me, for me these are exercises for the development of writing. Happy day.🍁
Image taken from pixabay by author Mohamed Nuzrath
Una mañana que íbamos en el auto como todos los días camino a la escuela, Hans como siempre con su mirada fija en las vías, justo en el momento en que se aproximaba el tren me dijo de forma muy extraña.
—Ma, yo creo que hay algo muy especial en las vías del tren— Volteé a verlo de reojo porque estaba manejando y de forma irónica le respondí.
—Claro que si, hijo a través de ellos se pueden transportar de un lugar a otro a las personas— El abrió los ojos como asombrado y con emoción siguió hablando.
—¡Exacto ma!, de eso se trata, y yo que pensaba que los adultos no se daban cuenta de nada— Ya estábamos llegando al colegio cuando hizo ese comentario a lo cual le respondí casi que ofendida.
—Te crees muy listo jovencito, ¿cómo andaría el tren sin sus rieles?—
A lo cual con un suspiro y una mirada de alguien decepcionado respondió.
—Ya decía yo, que sobreestimé tu respuesta—
—Será mejor que te apresures, ya casi tocan el timbre de entrada—
Se bajo del auto pero antes de cerrar, volteó a verme me lanzó un beso y mientras se alejaba pronunció palabras que en ese momento no comprendí.
Fue la última vez que lo vi. Ese día llegué a mi trabajo, pasé la mitad de la mañana entre papeles, firmando documentos, no me pude dar cuenta de la hora de lo ocupada que estuve hasta que sonó el teléfono, antes de responder vi que faltaba poco para las dos de la tarde, y observé que era una llamada del colegio, era muy tarde pensé que me estaban llamando porque se me olvidó una vez más irlo a buscar a la hora establecida, casi siempre se me pasaba la hora, pero esta vez no me llamaban por eso.
One morning when we were in the car as every day on our way to school, Hans as always with his gaze fixed on the tracks, just as the train was approaching, he said to me in a very strange way.
-I turned to see him out of the corner of my eye because he was driving and in an ironic way I answered him.
-Of course there is, son, through them people can be transported from one place to another" He opened his eyes astonished and with emotion continued speaking.
-That's what it's all about, and I thought that adults didn't realize anything." We were already arriving at school when he made that comment, to which I responded almost offended.
-You think you're so smart, young man, how would the train run without its rails?
To which with a sigh and a look of someone disappointed he replied.
-I was just saying, I overestimated your answer.
-You'd better hurry up, they're almost ringing the doorbell.
He got out of the car but before closing it, he turned to look at me and blew me a kiss and as he drove away he said words that I didn't understand at the time.
That was the last time I saw him. That day I arrived at work, I spent half the morning between papers, signing documents, I could not notice the time because of how busy I was until the phone rang, before answering I saw that it was almost two in the afternoon, and I saw that it was a call from the school, it was very late I thought they were calling me because I forgot once again to pick him up at the appointed time, I almost always missed the time, but this time they did not call me for that reason.
Image taken from Pixabay whose author is 💙♡🌼♡💙 Julita 💙♡🌼♡💙.
—Lo siento— y seguí hacia el auto pero tuve que detenerme por unos instantes, pues el señor con quièn me topé se detuvo, se me quedó viendo, no me di cuenta que lo hacía hasta que me habló.
—Nunca olvides las vías del tren—
Al escuchar esas palabras me extrañé bastante pero el prosiguió.
—Esas fueron las últimas palabras de su hijo—
Inmediatamente evoqué el momento en que lo vi por última vez, era cierto , mientras se alejaba el me seguía diciendo que no olvidara las vías del tren. Al regresar de mis pensamientos, aquel hombre ya no estaba, pero a pesar de la confusión que eso me provocó, seguí a mi carro y me dirigí a la escuela, al llegar no me detuve ya que vi el lugar lleno de policías con sus perros, y gente aglomerada, algunos salían de los alrededores de la escuela. Yo seguí de largo pero en tomé el canal contrario por toda la orilla de la vía, los carros pasaban a toda velocidad y pitaban o incluso algunos gritaban malas palabras, pero nada me importaba, llegué hasta el lugar que temprano me había señalado Hans, dejé el carro y me fui a la montaña al sitio donde estaban las vías del Tren, llegué hasta ellas, trataba de observar alguna cosa inusual que me pudiera dar indicios del paradero de los niños, en mi mente retumbaba su vocecita repitiendo las mismas palabras una y otra vez.
—las vías del tren— Habían pasado más de dos horas desde que salí a buscar a mi hijo, mi mente solo escuchaba la voz de Hans diciendo "las vías del tren". Sé que en ese momento había mucha gente viendo desde la autopista hacia el bosque, se detuvieron muchos carros, no estaba sola en el sitio, sin embargo seguía solo con la voz de Hans y noté que cada vez que me acercaba a los rieles escuchaba con mayor claridad su voz, llegó un momento que lo sentí tan cerca que me detuve sobre los rieles y mientras lo escuchaba iba dando vueltas con mi mirada para ver si lo podía ver en alguna dirección, de repente escuche gritos, voltee mi cabeza y solo pude ver al tren que me atravesaba.
Todos los presentes comenzaron a buscarme, de inmediato dieron aviso a las próximas paradas del tren, pues algunos pensaron que me había arrollado, otros que me despedazaron, otros imaginaron que volé por los aires y comenzaron a buscarme por todas partes, lo cierto es que jamás volvieron a encontrarme, hasta ese día no supieron más de mi, simplemente había desaparecido
-I was sorry," and I continued towards the car but I had to stop for a few moments, because the man I bumped into stopped, he kept looking at me, I didn't realize he was doing it until he spoke to me.
-Never forget the train tracks.
When I heard those words I was quite surprised, but he continued.
-Those were his son's last words.
I immediately evoked the moment when I saw him for the last time, it was true, while he was walking away he kept telling me not to forget the train tracks. When I came back from my thoughts, the man was gone, but despite the confusion that caused me, I followed my car and went to the school, when I arrived I did not stop because I saw the place full of police with their dogs, and people crowded together, some were coming out of the surroundings of the school. I went straight on but I took the opposite channel all along the side of the road, the cars passed by at full speed and were beeping or even shouting bad words, but I didn't care, I got to the place that Hans had indicated earlier, I left the car and went to the mountain to the place where the train tracks were, I got to them, I tried to observe something unusual that could give me clues to the whereabouts of the children, in my mind his little voice was booming repeating the same words over and over again.
-It had been more than two hours since I went out to look for my son, my mind only heard Hans' voice saying "the train tracks". I know that at that moment there were many people watching from the highway towards the forest, many cars stopped, I was not alone in the place, however I was still alone with Hans' voice and I noticed that every time I got closer to the rails I heard his voice more clearly, at one point I felt him so close that I stopped on the rails and while I was listening to him I was turning around with my eyes to see if I could see him in any direction, suddenly I heard screams, I turned my head and I could only see the train that was crossing me.
All those present began to look for me, they immediately gave notice to the next stops of the train, because some thought that I had run over, others that I was torn to pieces, others imagined that I flew through the air and began to look for me everywhere, the truth is that they never found me again, until that day they did not know more about me, I had simply disappeared.
Image taken from pixabay by author Sunoj Rajan
The thank you image was made in Canva. The dividers used were created in Creative Cloud Express.
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