A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Or, Exactly Fifty): One Last Tip


What I see: a young man carrying a suit -- perhaps a graduation gown -- and walking away alone, but I cannot make out the shape of the hat well -- I first thought that was a hotel doorman's cap.

What I feel: I'm going to go with my first thought ... although it does include a different kind of learning and graduation ...

Sometimes, the lesson learned is not what we think it is.
Sharp dresser, good tipper, never paid his hotel bill,
Finally got put out, without all his finery.
The busboy said, “One last tip. I'll take him his stuff,
“And get his story, because I can use his skills honestly!”



Greetings @deeanndmathews ,

What an interesting story!

Indeed...somehow there are those who pick up on the opposite of what could be a positive lesson...which reminds Bleujay of a Principle ...Evil influences...Absolute Good must be learned.

Kind Regards,


Indeed ... I was contemplating how bad as well as good is learned from one generation to another, but good must be sought after, studied, perhaps even believed on when evil seems to pay off up front in the world.

Oh wow, what a unique perspective you have to the picture. I could never think of it! 😅 Well done!

Good observation. I agree it's a graduation gown.

Thank you for reading!

It's a good response to the prompt. I enjoyed reading.

Thank you!

The suit, the hat it can be a hotel doorman, flight steward, army, the postman or a special school outfit 🤷
I guess what we see is it! 😁