Do you know what? Everything you wrote here, it’s like we’ve been feeling the exact same thing even when we’ve hardly talked since the whole study started. Drained, mentally exhausted and even depressed. It’s just something how you’re feeling the same thing I’ve been feeling the past weeks and I haven’t even told you about it. Gosh! But I understand perfectly. And I wish I had the superpower to just disassociate. You know. Have the second person who has strength enough to face the world while I sleep. But we don’t always get what we want… I’m honestly mentally exhausted and most times I just want to sleep and be away from the whole world and everyone and everything.
Sorry about the postponement love. God knows best and I know you’ll do great.
The second I'm done sending in this comment, I'll continue binging on Suits. It's the long overdue series I just started seeing. We just have to craft out our own happiness however and from wherever we can. Soon enough, love. It will all make sense soon enough.🖤
P.S: Hey, and look! You could actually reply to my post. Celebrate grace!😂