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RE: Why do our fears and anxieties come true?

in Freewriters2 years ago

I also recently got 88%... and my response was ALSO WTF LOLOL

I think Sam directed you to my post! hahaha

and I'm a native speaker - who has written for YEARS - and do not use Grammarly or anything ....

so HOW did that happen??? and the sentences they pointed to were the most ridiculous HUMAN-SOUNDING sentences ever.

It just made me really angry! Because AI can't tell ME how to sound more human. It will be a cold day in hell before I take its suggestions to change my writing to suit it. lol

so before you get too down on yourself... read my post and realize that it seems to be something happening all around!!! And I don't predict it will get BETTER. I think it will become WORSE.

by the way - my husband's ancestry is Lithuanian :)
I'll have to tell him that you're here! hahaha but its just his ancestry... he was born in America , and so were his parents :)

but he will still like to know that you are Lithuanian!! hahaha his name is @biggerjoe here but he doesn't really do much - except read posts for DreemPort! hehehe so if you leave him a message, i'm not sure if he will see it... but i can tell him you said hi from Lithuania! hahahahaha