in Freewriters5 months ago

Esther had been in the kitchen for about an hour, watching the tall tree behind the house from the window. She wished she could go downstairs to pluck some fruits, but she was too small and her brothers were busy with their computers. Her parents had also left home for an important business trip, leaving her brothers to take care of her. This made her bored, so she went to the kitchen to watch the trees. She loved the view and decided to move to the left side of the kitchen to see some fruits. As she moved to the left side of the kitchen, she spotted a snake trying to enter through the window's bullseye opening. The snake's emerald green scales glinted in the sunlight, catching her eye. Esther was fascinated and didn't realize the danger. She moved closer, and the snake turned towards her, as if it were ready for an attack.
"Samuel, come see! A snake was smiling at me!" Esther exclaimed, rushing to her brothers.

"Just go to your room," Samuel replied, thinking she was imagining things.

"No! Come and see! It's smiling at me," Esther insisted.

John, having heard their conversation, decided to follow her. When they arrived in the kitchen, he couldn't see any snake and began to doubt Esther's claim.
"Did you see any snake?" Samuel asked, deciding to check for himself. He pushed the window open and spotted the snake behind the plate rack.

"Look!" he exclaimed, calling his brother's attention.

Samuel rushed to the back of the house, while John chased the snake out the open window. The snake landed and Samuel, who had grabbed a plank smacked the snake's head.

They were both happy Esther had told them about the snake and helped her get the fruits she wanted. They also explained to her that snakes were dangerous and she should always call an adult if she saw one. From then on, they paid more attention to their sister when their parents weren't around.