A father and his two sons were returning home after a long walk. Suddenly, they came across a wild boar. What a surprise!
One of the sons, the youngest, was astonished, as he had never had the opportunity to see a wild boar so close.
—Look daddy, can we take it as a pet—he said, his little voice reflecting great excitement.
The father was irascible at the idea.
—Please!—begged his other son, the eldest, as he tugged at the right sleeve of his father's shirt.
The father replied dryly:
—We don't play with food.
The children did not like the answer and pouted and crossed their arms over their chests in annoyance. Their father paid them no heed: they would understand his position when they grew up.
Without wasting any more time, the man crept up to the animal. His intentions were to capture it. However, this boar was no ordinary boar. Apparently, it had a somewhat developed brain and was thinking. He stared at the human and said to himself:
—Hum! This guy is full of bad intentions. I'd better run away from here and save my life.
The boar got up from the grass in his owner's garden and stretched out his four paws.
The man's mouth watered at the sight of the animal's mass.
—How well fed it is—he exclaimed with a smile—If I catch it, it won't make it to the "End of the Year".
—No, Dad! Let him be our pet and then I can ride him as a horse—shouted his eldest son, who seemed about to burst into a tantrum.
—You don't play with food—he said again and hurried to catch the boar with his arms, uselessly.
The animal ended up fleeing clumsily in the direction of the pink house.
—You're not going to catch me, human! you're not going to catch me!—the boar shrieked in his unintelligible language.
The others only heard grunts.
Then, the door of the house opened and behind it appeared a lady with rolls on her head and a white robe with flowered designs. The lady was as plump as the boar. One of her legs would probably be directly proportional to the weight of the animal.
She looked at the boar in fright, and then at the man (with a very unfriendly look on his face). Immediately, she asked the latter sharply:
—What are you trying to do to my little wild love?
—What are you trying to do to my little wild love?—the father and the children repeated in disbelief in unison.
The woman raised her right eyebrow and crossed her arms as she pursed her lips.
A minute later, all eyes turned to the boar.
—Yes, myself—answered the animal as it felt the center of attention—I am your little wild love—it mumbled in its own language, not easy to understand.
Un padre y sus dos hijos varones regresaban a casa luego de un gran paseo. De repente, se toparon con un jabalí. ¡Vaya sorpresa!
Uno de los hijos, el más pequeño, quedó anonadado, pues nunca había tenido la oportunidad de ver un jabalí tan cerca.
—¡Mira papá! ¿Podemos llevárnoslo de mascota?—dijo y su vocecita reflejaba gran emoción.
El padre, se mostró irracundo ante la idea.
—¡Complácenos!- rogó su otro hijo, el mayor, mientras tiraba de la manga derecha de la camisa de su padre.
Este le respondió secamente:
—Con la comida no se juega.
A los niños, no les agradó la respuesta e hicieron pucheros y cruzaron sus brazos por encima del pecho en señal de molestia. Su padre les hizo el menor caso: entenderían su postura cuando crecieran.
Sin perder más tiempo, el hombre se acercó sigilosamente al animal. Sus intenciones eran capturarlo. Sin embargo, este jabalí no era común y corriente. Al parecer, tenía un poco desarrollado su cerebro y pensaba. Miró al humano fijamente y se dijo:
—¡Jum! Este tipo está lleno de malas intenciones. Mejor salgo huyendo de aquí y salvo mi vida.
Se levantó del césped del jardín de su dueña y estiró sus cuatro patas.
Al hombre se le hizo la boca agua al ver toda la masa de aquel animal.
—¡Qué bien alimentado está!—exclamó con una sonrisa- Si lo atrapo, no llega a "Fin de Año".
—¡No papá! Deja que sea nuestra mascota y así podría montarlo como caballo—gritó el mayor de sus hijos, quien parecía a punto de estallar en una pataleta.
—Con la comida no se juega—volvió a decir y se apresuró a atrapar al jabalí con sus brazos, inútilmente.
El animal terminó huyendo torpemente en dirección a la casa rosada.
—¡No me vas a atrapar humano! ¡No me vas a atrapar!—chillaba el jabalí en su idioma ininteligible.
Los demás solo oían gruñidos.
Entonces, la puerta de la casa se abrió y tras ella apareció una señora con rolos en su cabeza y una bata blanca con diseños floreados. La señora era tan regordeta como el jabalí. Una de sus piernas probablemente sería directamente proporcional al peso del animal.
Miró al jabalí asustada y luego al hombre (con cara de pocos amigos). Inmediatamente, le preguntó a este último con aspereza:
—¿Qué estás intentando hacerle a mi amorcito salvaje?
—¿Amorcito salvaje?— repitieron incrédulos al unísono: el padre y los hijos.
La mujer, enarcó la ceja derecha y cruzó sus brazos mientras apretaba los labios.
Al minuto, todas las miradas se posaron en el jabalí.
—Sí, yo mismo—respondió el animal al sentirse el centro de atención—Soy su amorcito salvaje—masculló en su idioma, nada fácil de entender.
The image belongs to the Free community contest Freewriters. Translate from Spanish to English by means of the translator. / La imagen pertenece al concurso de la comunidad Freewriters. Traduje del español al inglés por medio del traductor deepl.
Thanks for this, this was a fun read.
Thank you!!!
😆😆That part also made my cousin laugh when I read it to her. What an idea! Thanks for telling me that 😆😆
Entertaining, funny, I l❤️ved reading you!
Hurray for the woman and her little love.
Thanks for sharing it with us! 👍
Ha ha. I liked your comment. Thanks for writing 😁
Saved by a compassionate owner. One person's meal is another person's companion. It's all in how you view the relationship. It was interesting, though, when the father was attempting to teach his children not to play with an animal that you intend to consume as food. Perhaps he was attempting to instill in them the consequence of taking a pet, growing fond of it. The process of slaughtering, then eating it would be to some unbearable. I hope that was his intention to spare them this pain.
I think of another perspective from the children. The father only saw food when he looked at the pig. The children saw a pet. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this story.
Wow, you have good reasoning. That is the idea I wanted to convey. Thank you for writing me your review
You're welcome. Your story was a lovely read from both the parent and children's point of view. Take care.
Waht just happened 🤔