Hello Freewriters I entered this competition last time and I had fun writing so here I am again i hope you enjoy it.
My analysis on this picture would be an American football match not sure if its college football. What else would you say about this picture it is what it is nothing more than a bunch of guys throwing their bodies around trying to out muscle the other opponent. And then they celebrate for quite sometime and them slap each others buts around seems like not a very complicated sport, well what do I know I'm not a fan of American football in anyway as a matter of fact I know noting about the sport apart from those little details. So I guess you could say I am not in the right position to judge the sport.
The only thing close to American football I've watched was a TV show series I watched which was titled "Bella And the Bulldog's". And after seeing some basics of the sport for sure I was not really impressed but the sort I rather watch sorts like football. Soccer to be more interesting This I see mostly due to the fact that in my country Nigeria Soccer is a More popular sport and the people that watch or play American football in Nigeria are mostly America born Nigerians or there probably just weird people. Just kidding I mean its just very rate to find American football fans here, that's exactly why we call it American football and not football because its American and we don't really consider it as normal football. Also I'm not sure the difference between Rugby and football they look like there the same thing are they? Or is it a different sport i don't get it . This Football thing is more complicated than I originally thought.
It is much like basketball which also less popular in Nigeria but is more recognizable than American Football. Well that said in the United States it is probably maybe around but that top 5 spot probably ranking at no 2 behind Basketball or something like that.
Wait a minute what was I writing again? Right.... A Picture is worth a thousand words well you certainly can tell what is going on in this picture. How do I feel about this picture? I feel like this is a picture people will try to make something interesting from it but won't take away much.(It's a pretty straight forward pic).
People may try to squeeze an interesting story out of this picture and would go for a more unnecessarily long approach. Perhaps the story would begin with us learning the background story of the player with the ball, and how he was just a normal guy who loves playing football and finally got discovered with his amazing talent and is sent out pay professional football, or he is giving a place as Quarter back( did I spell that right?) anyway along the way he'll now or probably find love and then it probably leads up to the big game the biggest game of his life which he wouldn't most likely win with the help of the team and then probably lift him up and His girlfriend kisses him and all sudden the movie is a romantic comedy. (And then sometimes in the movie his girlfriend probably moves to another country or something and he's heart broken.) Wow turns out I'm actually good at at this.
Anyway what was I saying....... Mahn i just love to get off track. Yeah i was saying my approach is gonna be in a form of a poem a very short child like poem. Cause to be honest i don't know much about this particular sport so how in the world am I i suppose to craft some type of awesome post about American football when I don't know a Flipin then thing about it interesting long story or poem and please don't judge me.... on here goes nothing .......
"Pass pass pass the ball all around the field.
Pass so you don't get tackled if not you'll Brake your ankle."
"Pass pass pass the ball, pass it all around,
Pass pass pass the ball pass it up and down."
"Pass pass pass the ball pass it in the air, catch catch catch the ball touchdown over here."
I hope you excel in whatever you do.
It's clear you love to get off track 😉 but that doesn't matter.
Football is about a foot and a ball and a ball is round or?
Thanks for your entry. 👍
Thank you.😂