Hello everyone, how are you feeling today?
There are people who spend all their life seeking approval from other people, they would ask permission from others about everything. When they are through they will ask if they did fine, maybe they are approved.
This kind of life is caused by inferiority complex. It is good to get feedback from others on your performance or to get feedback on your dressing or on something you did but when you depend solely on these feedbacks more than what you really want to do, it has become a problem.
When you rely on approval from other people, they may be close too. Maybe friends, siblings, and other related folks, you would not be able to make a decision on your own.
The issue of approval from people is an abuse of getting feedback, you will now rely on feedback more than what you think or want to do. You have to ask yourself, what if they are wrong?
You don't need anyone to approve of you, you can do great.
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I totally agree with this. Rather than get approval from others, go with what you approve.