Daily prompt lion in the kitchen

Img src: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sca_esv=599381486&sxsrf=ACQVn09TaxOC0jdYV5rp0etONDxqWcV8zg:1705562175145&q=lion+in+the+kitchen&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjH3t2csuaDAxVGmYkEHdghBZEQ0pQJegQIDhAB#imgrc=HgbPIuoYN3wNQM

Previous night i was sitting with my grandfather,he was telling about stories about his young life,when he was living in his village where many dangerous animals were living near by his village,one day a hungry lion entered in the village and start targeting human so villager made plan to trap and kill the lion so they started direct firing on the lion,so lion started running and went inside the house,a brave man entered in that same house and searching the lion,he saw lion in the kitchen while eating meat so he thought it is best chance to kill him thats why he fired 2 rounds and killed the lion.