My 3rd Post | Prompt : A lovely Socialist

in Freewriters11 months ago

Hello Guys!!
This is my input for the prompt a lovely Socialist

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One day in Cozyville , the quiet little town there lived an endearing woman by the name, Lily , a socialist . Lily wasn't just pretty for her pink cheeks but she also had a nice and charming smile. She became liked by everyone for her kind heart and her method of solving the problems which was not like others'.

Once in a while, a day full of sunshine. Lily couldn’t stop her excitement when she saw that the market was selling cinnamon rolls at a higher price. Continuing the fight for fairness in her hometown, Lily rolled out her blueprint. The was taking the bake-off competition form. The rule was simple: if the baker that delivered the most delicious cinnamon rollestablished the price for all the bakeries in town.

The day of the competition finally arrived and bakers from all the coves of a picturesque village Cozyville came to join in. As the judges' lips formed the most weird and uncomfortable expressions of the Earth, Lily could not help but likely to giggle. Lastly, became known— it was Lily herself!Her secret ingredient? By means of some adoration and, together, great vigor.

Since that day forward the price of cinnamon rolls in Cozyville has remained a fair amount and that's how Lily got the title of the most loved socialist baker in town. Also, in spreading the love and equality message, she demonstrated that the best cure sometimes is found in the weirdest of the not so obvious places.

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