Heirloom ! A 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago

At the entrance of the Wallace house, the visitors were impressed because there in a wooden cabinet with crystals, inside with the pages open, a copy of the Bible rested, which by detailing the content of the pages, showed Psalm 91, which reminded them, that house it is "a refuge and fortress of God, in whom they trust." When asked the origin of that family heirloom, they answered, it is a jewel that has passed from generation to generation bringing peace and harmony to his family.

© 2021, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

photography pixabay.com


Reliquia de familia
A la entrada de la casa Wallace, los visitantes quedaron impresionados porque allí en un gabinete de madera con cristales, adentro con las páginas abiertas, descansaba una copia de la Biblia, que al detallar el contenido de las páginas, mostraba el Salmo 91, que les recordaba , esa casa es "refugio y fortaleza de Dios, en quien confían". Cuando se les preguntó el origen de esa reliquia familiar, respondieron, es una joya que ha pasado de generación en generación trayendo paz y armonía a su familia.

Dear friends

link.This is my entry for the Thursday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following

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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]
