The impostor on the throne was not discovered for weeks. The King (or the creature that looked and sounded like the King) seemingly seemed to rule as usual. Yes, he made a few strange decisions and slurred his words from time to time, but those close to him assumed he had been drinking too much of the strong wine he favoured, or that perhaps he was slightly unwell (he refused the doctor when he came to take his blood, sending the poor man away with harsh words and a goblet thrown in his face). No one had been with the King when he had fallen from his horse whilst riding in the forest - he had dismissed everyone from his company, wanting to spend time alone to think, he had said. There were no witnesses to see the creeping fungus-like creature slide into the unconscious King's ear as he lay on the forest floor. By the time the riderless horse had returned to the stables the King - or the creature that had infiltrated the mind of the King - was on his feet and staggering back towards the palace.