"Visit The Other North!" Mike stared at the poster, bright letters shimmering out catching his eye. This North looked lovely. Sunshine, beaches and beautiful people.
"What's not to like?" A voice shook Mike from his thoughts. He turned to find a tall man with a large white smile beaming down at him. "Hi," the man said. "I'm Jack. I'm from the Other North and I'd love to help you discover it."
Mike disliked people in general, and sales people in particular, but before he could mumble something and slip away the man put a hand on his shoulder and there was something about the touch that - far from repelling him: the usual reaction Mike had to unwanted touch - was warm and reassuring.
"You know about The Other North?" the man's smile engulfed Mike. He shook his head. "It is actually located on a different version of Earth. Discovered when a wormhole was accidently opened during the last war. Luckily, for everyone, we are a peaceful people..."