Do we know where Stoicism originated?

in Freewriters14 days ago
Greetings to all colleagues, today I share a certain question that came to my mind after inquiring about various topics, if stoicism tells a full life and full of peace, who discovered it? or who began to spread this philosophy of life? In my opinion these are quite interesting questions because we know what stoicism is thanks to one or a group of people.



We well know that Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that originated in ancient Greece, founded by Zeno of Citium in the third century B.C. However, Stoicism as a philosophical current was popularized and developed mainly in ancient Rome, with prominent figures such as Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.

It is based on the idea that we should live in accordance with nature, accepting the things we cannot change and focusing on what is in our control, such as our attitudes and actions. The Stoics believed in the importance of self-discipline, rationality and virtue as the means to happiness and wisdom.

Uno de los aspectos más importantes del estoicismo es su enfoque en el control de las emociones y pensamientos, y en aceptar la realidad tal como es. Los estoicos creían que el sufrimiento estaba causado por la resistencia a lo que no podemos cambiar, y que la clave para la paz interior y el bienestar radicaba en aceptar las circunstancias de la vida con serenidad y equanimidad.

Stoicism has had a lasting influence on Western philosophy and modern psychology, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy, which draws heavily on Stoic principles. Stoicism remains relevant today as a guide to facing life's challenges with calm and wisdom, and as a reminder of the importance of cultivating virtue and self-discipline in our pursuit of happiness and inner tranquility.


I've wondered about the influence of Stoicism in Alexandria.

Some people see stoic influence in the Septuagint book called "The Wisdom of Solomon" (aka Book of Wisdom). This book was written in Greek in the second century BC.

It is possible that some Jewish groups like the Essenes were influenced by Stoicism and other Helenistic philosophies.


I have asked myself several questions about what stoicism is and how it influences us to know it, and how we add it to our daily lifestyle. So far I have been curious to know more about Solomon's book, I will investigate more about the subject, thank you for your comment<3