A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

in Freewriterslast year

When I see the rain, it produces a nostalgic effect in me, but it increases even more when I see, together with the drops, the handful of leaves that go through the air. When they fall and give themselves to the flow of water that is now falling on the ground, they take me back to distant thoughts.


The leaves seem to me the sorrows of the heart and the rainwater resembles tears for them. Thinking of this moment I can also think that the leaves say goodbye to their tree, that they go joyfully through the air because their time is done. Thinking that they are happy, my soul rests a little from my anguish and sorrows.

To think that the leaves that today I see on the ground, that are on their shed tears can also lie in tears of joy for the work achieved. The truth is that a sorrow of the soul can be a sorrow of joy or a sorrow of sadness.

The nostalgia for what has happened or the weeping for what is to come do not cease to be reflections that resemble leaves in the water. Leaves carry the sorrows along with the water that goes to a place beyond, where they all accumulate in the immensity of the sea.

I would like to think that I am not sad to see the leaves falling from the trees, I would like not to think that they are crying and shedding their tears but that is the feeling I get when I see them on the ground stagnant or running down the slopes as if running for their fate that awaits them beyond.

It's just a way of seeing things from the angle of pain because only in my mind is the thought of pain. They are just leaves falling dry from the trees and settling on the ground. If there is water or not on the ground is already a fortuitous thing and there will begin its next step to degradation, and then give way to life again, so it is in me to think of sadness or to think of joy.


This is my post for the contest sponsored by @wakeupkitty a picture is worth a thousand words.

To participate follow this link

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png


What a heartfelt story you just made with the picture, I was touched.

Thank you for your words, I think this is what writing about an image is all about, bringing out what we have in our mind and heart.

Autumn is a magical season. It carried lots of emotions, transformations and magic. I felt emotional reading your response to the picture prompt. Weldone friend 💜

Thank you very much for your valuable opinion on my publication. Sometimes when we see an image we let pure feelings come to the surface.

The Autumn brings about mixed feelings which I can hardly comprehend, both that of Joy and sadness 🥺

It is true, we seem to feel both things when we see how imposing nature is.

It's more that the naked trees make me sad. They drop their leaves because it is the only way for them to survive the winter. A naked tree while be even dressed more to survive the same cold.


For sure many feel the same as you.

Thank you for your entry. 👍

Hopefully not, but it may be the case.