It sounds like a teapot, its whistle makes Yen travel back in time to her childhood.
The kettle keeps on ringing but Yens is on the floor in front of a TV watching a Tom and Jerry episode, her mother in the kitchen an apple pie. In an armchair Yen's father is reading the newspaper.
The father in front of the newspaper is not really reading and his glasses are used to look over the newspaper as if it were a computer screen. He's coordinating the production of the latest series of nano-foods.
So many centuries have passed that when a new humanity is created, even time is chosen, Yen's father decided several times to use past years to be closer to his son.
The ability to play with time and space altered the balance of humanity, and with it the future was revealed. And it is precisely in the future where Fonne discovers that his own son would wage a revolution to end his legacy, so he erases Yen's memory to delay the inevitable.
This puts an end to the father-son relationship, but within Yen's mind and memory is the secret to destroying the organization that has dominated the world for hundreds of centuries.
- The cake is ready! Come to the table.
- humm smells delicious
- Only 1 piece to keep the grandparents who must be on their way.
- After lunch I'll do my homework, I'm very late.
For some minutes Yen felt that he was at home, these memories are the ones that should not exist in the memory, nor the almost dejavu dreams that anticipate acts that Yen has already tried in other moments.
The kettle continues to whistle impeccably, Yen returns from her memory to make a nice Central American coffee.
- Mr. Fonne we lost connection with your son, we don't know where he is or what his next move will be.
- It doesn't matter if he's at home or in some clandestine meeting with the new coalition, the story will never end.
- We can be sure of where he is to neutralize him if we can place a nano tracker to follow him wherever he goes.
- It's forbidden to use any tracker, it's best to erase his data so he doesn't show up in a new edition of humanity.
After drinking the coffee Yen for some strange reason makes him sleepy and he lies down in his bedroom, when he is closing his eyes he feels that someone is entering his house, his body is heavy and he can't get up before closing his eyes he sees two men approaching his bed.
(with distorted voice)
- Hello Yen is well?
Yen is fast asleep.