My wife and I have been under the spell of cold/flu symptoms for some days now. Today is my second and her fourth.
Oral Manicure
We have been taking it as easy as we can. It has not hit us that hard. Just some headache, painful joins, some cough, some sneezing, and the general discomfort produced by a cold.
She is a teacher and she was “compelled” to teach face to face, even though most of her colleagues and half of her kids were sick. Most likely, she caught it (whatever this is) there. However, Venezuela being the mess it is, we might have caught this anywhere else in town. I do not really think about it much.
The principal of her school is quite a piece of work and, even though teachers make only $20 a month in that private school and have no insurance of any kind, they demand unconditional work, especially when feeling sick. Apparently, that’s the vocation test.
She should have quit ages ago, but that’s her job and I understand her mixed feelings. I’ll leave it to time. I know we’ll be ok. We try to be balanced and reasonable. No need to go paranoiac about covid-19; no need to go reckless about ignoring that virus or any relative either.
Here we get anxious about the idea of requiring medical attention. Not because of the gravity of the disease, but because of what getting medical attention here can do to your body and mind. Our health system has the unique quality of sickening the healthy and killing the sick.
I’ve been eating my nails too, but I’ve done that since I was born. Hopefully, we’ll be totally functional in a few days with nothing but sored fingers as sequels.
Thanks for your reading
MANICURE. You can see the details here.This was my entry to @mariannewest and @latino.romano’s 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday Prompt:
Hope you guys get better soon !
Thanks. It's hard when you can't rest fully because you have to go out run errands all the time (under the conditions you know).
Los colegios privados exigen exigen y exigen y nada mas ver ese sueldo dan ganas de llorar,por lo que cuentas tu esposa ama su trabajo como muchos de nosotros,lo amé y aun sigo siendo docente pero un día dije hasta aquí y solicité mi jubilación. Espero que mejoren muy pronto.Hay que respetarle su vocación hasta que ella decida.Saludos @hlezama desde Margarita.
Así es. Cada profesional debe saber hasta donde puede dar y a quienes puede servir.
El problema es (y esto lo discutimos a diario en casa) que mientras más se fraccione la decisión de no servirle a un régimen hambreador, más y mejor se adapta el régimen y más capacidad de maniobras tiene. La decisión drástica debió haberse dado en masa hace más de 10 años. Con todo y lo radical que podía parecer, el daño hubiera sido infinitamente menor que está muerte lenta.