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RE: Starts With P Ends in Y And is Sexual By Nature

in Freewriters3 years ago

It’s all about the CHICKS lala..
It’s always the girls aha
Guys have no issues
The girls are sneezing into tissues
Why can’t we just sort this?
Kick them out they just diz ya
The world would be grander
The boys could contain their gander
women are sub-normal
we hear ya, we do!
So give them the boot
guys will be happy
Boys will be brand new!


Do you happen to see...
The girls think one way
The boys another way
Both caught strapped
In their own traps
Too blind to see
Too stupid to be
Beyond a tree.
Who's grinning?
Who's winning?
Who's sinning?
Takes two to dance
Each lost in ego trance.


It’s all about the CHICKS lala..

No fair I already told you I'm from lala LA.

Whaddup Itssostylish? Mind if I call you... after 6th grade!

Look at me unsure how to respond like a squeaky voiced bastard all 'should I do a poem, no, do a rhyme, a rhyming poem?? Yeah!'

Let's settle this on the dodgeball court.


Settle is not a word in my vocabulary. We are all only human, after all. Lala

What do you mean by only?

I figured it out. These gadgets are so cutting edge.

Okay! You win, and just to think...not a Haptic Glove in sight. Haha❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕

Embarrassed for the extended delay between your comment and this response - correct.
Embarrassed for asking google what in the hell a Haptic Glove is - incorrect.

Happy whatever day this is!



You know I'm a sucker for dogs right? You're already aware of this detail aren't you and that's why your profile pic features a Yorkie?