It's a mask carnival and Greg promised to give out his best during the performance.
He has told his children how well he can dance but they will rather disagree because they know him too well not to be the social kind of person.
He presented everyone's new costume to them three days before the event.
Curious Ella got disturbed as everyone flaunted their costumes except for their father who bragged about how he was going to make that day light up with his kind of costume and activities he promised to showcase on that day.
Dad, “where is your costume I want to see what you will look like on that day” Ella demands to know what his costume will look like but then he just laughed and said I will surprise the whole of you on that day.
I can't wait to meet the man who always dances in front with his crazy and scary costume. Ella mentioned.
The only thing I love about him is the fact that he does giveaway. Magret added when Ella reminded her of the scary man costume.
Greg picked his family to the playground where everyone showcase their costume with him not putting on any.
As usual his children mob at him as he promised to come back and pick them when the event is over.
Greg drove back and soon the scary costume man appeared and everyone was around him because he had a lot of goodies in his bag.
How I wish daddy was here to witness this.” Ella exclaimed.
“Just enjoy the moment while it still lasts” Margret again raised her voice.
The man looked at them and smiled as he offered them some wonderful gifts. Not long the man left and the event soon came to an end as Greg arrived at the playground to pick up his children.
They arrived home and Ella ran down the storehouse to keep her gift.
When she discovered a box opened, the box had always been closed but it happened to be open on that day.
Ella out of curiosity opened the box and couldn't help but smile when she discovered the costume in the box.