
I am lost, I can't find my way, because it is surrounded by thick mist, formed with ethereal, ghostly figures, that call me, claim me, and try to make me stumble.
I try to claw my way through them, to clear my path, to see and have the sunlight, its warmth on my face;
In the evenings, to walk safely along my way, lit by the lanterns Of the sky; to feel alive, to feel alive, to feel alive.
My moment is agonizing, my eyes are no longer lined with clear dew, They've dried up from so much suffering, But I won't give up!
I'll fight against that mist, clearing from my mind the thousand and one that are already unbearable; that attack me like crows, trying to gouge out my eyes so as not to see the beautiful world that lies behind the curtain of gloomy nightmares, that for today are trying to bring me down.
I will not give up, I will fight, against my ogres that have tormented me since I was a child, I'll fight against everything that is hurting me, visible or invisible.
I will go on! battling against my ghosts, stronger and stronger, each time with my spirits to the top, each time with more and more energy, in order to win; then, my now lost steps will be firm on earth; I will begin with zeal to search for my essence, in the infinite valley of my memories.