Every day when I put my daughter to bed, a bird was always at her window looking at her, I think it was a crow.
It didn't bother my daughter, on the contrary, she told me not to scare it away, that she was watching her sleep.
My daughter was very intuitive and had recurring dreams that she would tell me in the mornings, they were always very similar.
One day she told me that a strange looking lady would come to her bed and caress her face and tell her
-You are too special to be in this world, will you come with me?
When she told me she didn't seem scared but I was.
One hot night my daughter asked me to leave the window open because she was very hot, so I did.
The next morning I went in to wake up my daughter and she did not respond, there were feathers on her bed, she was purple, my daughter died and on the window there was a message, when I read it she faded away:
-I took this being of light who should not be in this world with me.
My daughter died in strange circumstances, the highway ruled that there was no disease in her body, she had no traces of violence, simply her heart stopped while she was asleep.
What an excellent story, it grabbed me from the beginning, very well done and concise, the bird...death? I loved it