Digital Art made by me
Rush hour was drawing to a close as he waited for his lift.
The cabin was full, but the lift attendant offered him entry.
Peering into those dark depths, he glimpsed shrouded forms beside the driver.
A sense of foreboding seized him, and he politely declined.
Moments later, screams of horror echoed down the shaft as the full cab plunged to the bottom.
He stared incredulously into the now empty shaft, fear gripping his heart.
How close had he come to sharing that terrible fate?
As he walked home down the empty, shadowy stairs that night, each step reinforced his turning away from that twisted path.
Some risks were simply not worth taking, no matter the hour or the crowd.
A small refusal had preserved both his life and his sanity.
The image has certain features that are included in your text, could it be that you took inspiration from it or the product of the madness of an AI?
I made the image with Canvas, and the story is partly inspired by it, but from a darker perspective.