El final de la relación - The End of the Relationship

in Freewritersyesterday

Había una pareja sentada en la mesa del fondo del salón, habían llegado alrededor de las ocho de la noche, ya casi se cumplían las nueve y media y hasta ese momento solo habían consumido dos bebidas que aun estaban casi completas en la mesa. Estaban discutiendo tan ensimismados que cada vez que un camarero se acercaba para anotar alguna orden, era ignorado casi por completo.

  • Buenas noches, lamento interrumpir, pero debemos hacer una orden para su mesa – les dijo el tercer camarero que se acercaba a la mesa. La pareja se quedó en un silencio total durante varios segundos hasta que la mujer volteó su mirada al camarero.
  • ¿Tú perdonarías a alguien que te ha mentido más de tres veces con lo mismo? – preguntó la mujer al camarero.
  • No, la pregunta es, ¿tú le contarías cosas a alguien que sabes que malinterpretará todo? – Preguntó el hombre al camarero.
  • Yo… no – el camarero tartamudeaba, incomodo y claramente confundido.
  • ¿Qué harías si intenta engañarte? – la mujer interrumpe al camarero.
  • Yo no te intenté engañar… - responde el hombre entre dientes, a lo que ella responde con un suspiro de incredulidad.
  • Tráeme todo el menú – le dijo la mujer al camarero, ignorando a su esposo.
  • ¿Qué? – dijo el camarero
  • Todo el menú, esa es la orden – dijo la mujer con seguridad
  • Estás loca – le dijo su esposo recostándose de la silla.
    El camarero se retiró, la pareja continuó la discusión y al cabo de una hora el menú completo se les hizo llegar con dos carritos de comida.
  • Espero que disfrutes la velada y que tengas para pagar – dijo la mujer a su esposo, levantándose de la mesa y saliendo del restaurante.
    El hombre no dijo nada, sacó de su bolsillo su cartera y al buscar las tarjetas se dio cuenta que todas estaban cortadas por la mitad.
  • Desgraciada… - murmuró.


A couple was sitting at the table in the back of the restaurant. They had arrived around eight in the evening, and by now, it was almost nine-thirty. So far, they had only ordered two drinks, which were still nearly untouched on the table. They were so engrossed in their argument that every time a waiter approached to take an order, they were almost completely ignored.

"Good evening, sorry to interrupt, but we need to take an order for your table," said the third waiter who had approached them. The couple fell into complete silence for several seconds until the woman turned to look at him.

"Would you forgive someone who has lied to you more than three times about the same thing?" the woman asked the waiter.

"No, the real question is: Would you tell things to someone who you know will misinterpret everything?" the man countered, also looking at the waiter.

"I… I don’t think so," the waiter stammered, clearly uncomfortable and confused.

"What would you do if someone tried to deceive you?" the woman interrupted.

"I never tried to deceive you…" the man muttered, to which she responded with a sigh of disbelief.

"Bring me the entire menu," the woman said to the waiter, ignoring her husband.

"What?" the waiter asked, confused.

"The entire menu. That’s my order," the woman said firmly.

"You’re crazy," her husband scoffed, leaning back in his chair.

The waiter walked away, and the couple continued arguing. An hour later, the full menu was brought to them on two food carts.

"I hope you enjoy the evening—and that you have enough to pay," the woman said, standing up and leaving the restaurant.

The man didn’t say a word. He pulled out his wallet, but when he looked for his cards, he realized they had all been cut in half.

"Unbelievable…" he muttered.